James Deegan: Saucon Valley SD Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction
Thank you for visiting the website of the office of Assessment and Instruction. Please visit often to get the latest news and information on what is happening in the Saucon Valley School District in regards to assessment and instruction . If you have any questions about our program or progress please don't hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to working with you this year!
Assessment article2007.pdfThe following article(s) Learning to Love Assessment (Tomlinson, Carol A. Educational Leadership. Dec.2007, ASCD) and The Best Value in Formative Assessment (Chappuis, Jan & Chappuis, Stephen. Educational Leadership. Dec. 2007, ASCD) read of the value of assessing students, either through conventional paper/pencil or formative assessments.
As stated in the last paragraph of the Tomlinson article, there are different categories of an assessment and their function relative to the data that is generated: of learning, for learning and as learning.
The Tomlinson article brings about the following questions for reflection:
1. The assessment(s) of learning that I use in my classroom are....
2. The assessment(s) for learning that I use in my classroom are....
In the Chappuis & Chappuis article formative, benchmark and summative assessments are defined and their use described.
The following questions can be guiding for reflection:
3. Following these descriptors of the types of assessment, how do you see Formative and Benchmark assessments being used in your classroom at this point?
4. In your school?
View the following document (draft) which illustrates the cyclical pattern of formative, benchmark and summative assessments: AssessmentCycle2.pdf
Formative, Diagnostic, Benchmark and Summative (Annual): Process and Protocol
What are the differences between benchmark and diagnostic assessments? Benchmark: Benchmark assessments as defined by UNC.pdf Diagnostic: CDT FAQs_-1.pdf
The Affect of Benchmark Assessments: Benchmark Assessment Affect Full Report.pdf
What do the four look like within the Saucon Valley SD?
Formative: quizzes, thumbs up/thumbs down, exit tickets, homework
Diagnostic: CDT (Classroom Diagnostic Tool), pre-assessment
Benchmark: Unit test, quarterly, 4Sight, mid-term exam
Summative: Final exam, PSSA, Keystone Exam
As defined by the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, & Student Learning: