James Deegan: Saucon Valley SD Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction
Below you will find the latest news and announcements for the office of Assessment and Instruction
SAMPLE TEST: https://pa.drcedirect.com/
Keystone Info for Parents or Guardians.pdf PLEASE READ
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam, students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam and and students who currently have an Algebra I course will take the Keystone Algebra I Exam.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State Core Standards.
Each exam will take place over two days. Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: http://www.pdesas.org/module/assessment/pages/keystone/
The above mentioned diagnostic tool gathers question response data which is used by the teachers and students. The teachers will utilize the CDT data to guide discussions about their instruction and curriculum review, and it will allow teachers and students to set learning goals. Teachers will be able to review and analyze the students' data and use the state's Standard Aligned System (SAS http://www.pdesas.org ) to review instructional practices and resources to address a student's strength or weakness of a given standard/anchor (skill). The students will not be given a grade for this; as it is a diagnostic tool the data is used to guide instruction. Please visit the following website to view how this tool is administered CDT and Keystone Exam Online Tool
Also, we use this tool as an opportunity to get the students familiar with navigating the laptop and online assessments. The Keystone Exams are administered online in grades 8-11.
Please read the following letter, from Data Recognition Corporation, which provides a brief overview of CDT. The company has not revised the letter as of the 2014-15 school year. The CDT is now operational in grades 3-4-5.
CDT Letter to Educators_Parent_Guardians_Students.pdf
If you have any questions please contact james.deegan@svpanthers.org or your building Academic Service Coordinator ascmiddle@svpanthers.org or ascelementary@svpanthers.org
SAIL is a Kindergarten transition program open to all Saucon Valley School District children of school age and entering Kindergarten, in the fall, following the program. This year's program runs July 23-25 and continues July 29 through August 1, 2013. If you have any questions please contact Jim Deegan, Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction 610-838-7001 ext 1109.
The following is a comprehensive report on the SAIL program
The following is a presentation presented to the Saucon Valley School Board on October 9, 2012:
The following is information sent to parents regarding the SAIL program:
SAMPLE TEST: Just released for public, https://pa.drcedirect.com/
Keystone Info for Parents or Guardians.pdf
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam, students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam and and students who currently have an Algebra I course will take the Keystone Algebra I Exam.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State Core Standards.
Each exam will take place over two days. Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
The following information provides a Frequently Asked Questions document, Code of Conduct, letter containing testing dates, calculator and cell phone policy letters.
Pennsylvania Department of Education website pertaining to PSSA
PA School Performance Profile Website
Information regarding aspects of School Performance Profile:
Comparison AYP-ESEA 12-5-13.pdf : Comparison of Adequate Yearly Progress and Elementary Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind:NCLB)
Assessment Protocol 12-5-13.pdf : Outline of the transition for state assessments aligned to PA Core Standards
Sample Test Items.pdf : Sample test items for Keystone and PSSA assessment aligned to PA Core Standards
Fact Sheet - Assessments 12-5-13.pdf : Information regarding assessments and alignment to PA Core Standards
SAMPLE TEST: Just released for public, https://pa.drcedirect.com/
Keystone Info for Parents or Guardians.pdf
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
We will administer Algebra I to those students who were not proficient in the 2012-2013 Algebra I Keystone Exam. Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam and those students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State and National Common Core Standards.
Each exam will take place over two days. Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
The above mentioned diagnostic tool gathers question response data that is used by the teachers and students. The teachers will utilize the CDT data to guide discussions about their instruction, curriculum review and setting learning goals with students. This data will be populated into the state's Standard Aligned System (SAS http://www.pdesas.org ) allowing teachers to review instructional practices and resources to address a student's strength or weakness of a given standard/anchor (skill).
Please view the following document which provides a brief overview of CDT
CDT Letter to Educators_Parent_Guardians_Students.pdf
If you have any questions please contact either ascmiddle@svpanthers.org or james.deegan@svpanthers.org
Dear Parent/Guardian,
During the spring of 2013, your child/children had taken the PSSA in Reading, Math and Science and/or Writing. The Pennsylvania Department of Education makes two reports available to parents; a preliminary PSSA report illustrating scaled scores and proficiency levels, which you have already received, and, at the beginning of the school year, a more in-depth report providing an explanation of results will be sent home with your child's report card on November 7.
For more information on the PSSA, please visit the following websites; copy and paste into your browser:
If you have any questions in regards to PSSA/Keystone Exam testing or scores, feel free to contact your child's school Academic Service Coordinator ascmiddle@svpanthers.org or ascelementary@svpanthers.org or my email james.deeegan@svpanthers.org
Jim Deegan
What this means for all of us, parents, students, educators and all other community members:
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) designation is abolished for schools and attainable goals can now be established using newly formed assessments, Keystone Exams along with PSSA, implement evaluation system for all educators and administrators, establish accountability standards by the state.
Read more here:
SAIL is a Kindergarten transition program open to all Saucon Valley School District children of school age and entering Kindergarten, in the fall, following the program. This year's program runs July 23-25 and continues July 29 through August 1, 2013. If you have any questions please contact Jim Deegan, Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction 610-838-7001 ext 1109.
The following is a comprehensive report on the SAIL program
The following is a presentation presented to the Saucon Valley School Board on October 9, 2012:
The following is information sent to parents regarding the SAIL program:
SAMPLE TEST: Just released for public, https://pa.drcedirect.com/
Keystone Info for Parents or Guardians.pdf
May 13-22
Grade 11: Any student whom had not taken the exams in December 2012 or whom didn't achieve proficiency
Grade 9 & 10: students currently taking Algebra, Biology and Literature class
May 15-16
Grade 8 Algebra I Keystone Exam. The exam will take place over two days. The students will be taking the exam during their algebra class
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
We will administer Algebra I to grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 if students are currently enrolled in the Algebra I course. Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam and those students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam. ALL grade 11 students will take the Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams this school year.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State and National Common Core Standards.
Grades 9-11 Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams: The exams will take place over three days Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
Sent via email 3/19 12:35
REMINDER: 2013 PSSA Testing Schedule for Grades 3-8
March 19, 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As you know,SauconValleySchool Districtwill participate in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) during the testing periods described below. The state assessment system is designed to help our district determine the quality of its educational program and to ensure all students are achieving at proficiency levels in reading, math, writing, and science. The following dates are scheduled for the PSSA for grades 3 thru 4 and 5 thru 8.
Grades 3 and 4: April 9-12 & 16-17 2013 - PSSA Reading and Math Assessments
Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8: April 8-12, 2013 - PSSAReading and Math Assessments
Grade 4 April 23-24, 2013 - PSSA Science Assessment
Grade 8: April 23, 2013 - PSSA Science Assessment
Grades 8, 9, 10 or 11 May 13-16 & 20 -21 2013- Keystone Exams: Algebra I (inclusive of Grade 8
students enrolled in Algebra I) , Literature and Biology
As a parent of a student who will sit for a Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) or Keystone Exam during the current school year, you have the right to review the relevant PSSA or Keystone Exam. To review, please contact the building principal of your child’s school to make an appointment.
PSSA assessments for 11th grade have been replaced with Keystone Exams in Algebra I, Literature and Biology starting this year. Details about these assessments have been shared with parents/guardians of students affected by these new exams.
It is important students understand the seriousness of these tests and make every effort to attend school on the scheduled testing dates and to perform to their best ability. We are required to have 100% student participation on these assessments. We thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s building principal.
Mr. James Deegan
K-12 Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction
The following information will be/was sent via email Thursday January 24, 2013
2013 PSSA Testing Schedule for Grades 3-8
January 24, 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
SauconValleySchool Districtwill participate in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) during the testing periods described below. The state assessment system is designed to help our district determine the quality of its educational program and to ensure all students are achieving at proficiency levels in reading, math, writing, and science. Each school in the district will develop a testing schedule in alignment with the state testing periods and communicate the specific schedule to parents/guardians.
PSSA Writing Field Test: Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will take this assessment between February 4-13, 2013.
Overview of PSSA Writing Field Test from Pennsylvania Department of Education:
“The information obtained from the 2013 English Language Arts (ELA) Writing Field Test will be used to select items for future ELA assessments. Although no data from this field test will be returned to our district, it is important that all students are encouraged to do their best. The students who participate in this field test are ‘testing items” for future assessment consideration. By demonstrating their ability to respond to an item, students will ensure that the Pennsylvania ELA Assessment will contain items that are fair to all students. Additionally, the field test will give students practice in the types of tasks that will comprise the operational ELA Assessment that begins in 2014”.
PSSA Writing Assessment: Students in grades 5 and 8 will take this assessment between March 11-15, 2013.
PSSA Reading and Math Assessments: Students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 will take these assessments between April 8-19, 2013.
PSSA Science Assessment: Students in grades 4 and 8 will take this assessment between April 22-26, 2013.
As you may already know, PSSA assessments for 11th grade have been replaced with Keystone Exams in Algebra I, Literature and Biology starting this year. Details about these assessments have been shared with parents/guardians of students affected by these new exams.
It is important students understand the seriousness of these tests and make every effort to attend school on the scheduled testing dates and to perform to their best ability. We are required to have 100% student participation on these assessments. We thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s building principal.
Mr. James Deegan
K-12 Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction
2014 PSSA TESTING CALENDAR 2013-2014--draft March 2012.pdf
Click on the following address to read Common Core Standards information from the Pennylvania Dept. of Education:
SAMPLE TEST: Just released for public, https://pa.drcedirect.com/
Keystone Info for Parents or Guardians.pdf
Grade 11: ALL students Algebra I
Grade 10 & 11: students currently taking Biology and Literature class
MAY of 2013
Grade 8 Algebra I Keystone Exam. The exam will take place over two days. The students will be taking the exam during their algebra class
Remainder 10 and 11: students taking Biology and Literature classes second semester
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
We will administer Algebra I to grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 if students are currently enrolled in the Algebra I course. Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam and those students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam. ALL grade 11 students will take the Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams this school year.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State and National Common Core Standards.
Grades 9-11 Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams: The exams will take place over three days Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
Guide to PVAAS Public Reporting FINAL 2 22 11.pdf
PVAAS NCE PSSA Presentation 2011.pdf
Keystone_Exam_Program_Overview.pdf (Please understand at this time Keystone Exams for Algebra I, LIterature and Biology will ONLY be administered. So the program overview should be read with ONLY those three Keystone Exams in mind)
We will administer Algebra I to grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 if students are currently enrolled in the Algebra I course. Those students who currently have a Literature course will receive the Literature Keystone Exam and those students who currently have a Biology course will take the Keystone Biology Exam. ALL grade 11 students will take the Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams this school year.
To prepare ALL students for the Keystone Exams and other online assessments we will be administering the CDT(Classroom Diagnostic Tool: CDT FAQs.pdf) to ALL of these students. The CDT is an online assessment tool aligned to both PA State and National Common Core Standards.
Grade 8 Algebra I Keystone Exam. The exam will take place over two days. The students will be taking the exam during their algebra class
Grades 9-11 Algebra I, Literature and Biology Keystone Exams: The exams will take place over three days Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
We will update dates for Keystone Exams on the SV District website as we get more information.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
NOTE: The July results letter, referenced in the following information, will be placed within the beginning of the year packet. If this packet is not picked up prior to the begining of school, this packet will be mailed home. A more extensive PSSA individual student results report will be mailed mid to late September.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
During the spring of 2012, your child/children had taken the PSSA in Reading, Math and Science and/or Writing. The Pennsylvania Department of Education makes two reports available to parents; a preliminary PSSA report illustrating scaled scores and proficiency levels, which we now have available, and, at the beginning of the school year, a more in-depth report providing an explanation of results will be mailed to you.
To save on the cost of mailing, the preliminary PSSA report will be available for pick-up at the school office starting July 9th. The office hours are as follows: M-Th: 7:15-3:30 F: 7:30-11:30, no appointment necessary.
For more information on the PSSA, please visit the following websites; copy and paste into your browser:
If you have any questions in regards to PSSA testing or scores, please call me at 610-838-7026, extension – 1109, or feel free to contact me through email at james.deeegan@svpanthers.org
Jim Deegan
- Can the scores be emailed? Due to FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) and possible inconsistencies with technology, it would be in the best interest of the parent/guardian, students and school district if we did not email this information.
- I have three children, one in each building; can the results be placed in one location for pick-up? It would not be an efficient use of our staff to manually collate paper copies for the results of 1300 students across three buildings. Luckily, all three buildings are within a campus. I apologize for any inconvenience this may bring about.
- The hours for the elementary, middle and high school offices are as follows: M-Th: 7:15-3:30 F: 7:30-11:30.
Following information was sent, via standard mail, to parents/guardians who had enrolled their child/children for the 2012-2013 Kindergarten school year. More information will be forthcoming to those families who had enrolled their child/children for the SAIL program.
PSSA Testing Schedule District 2012.pdf
PSSA: State Information Regarding Assessment
PSSA Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
Elementary PSSA Test Taking Tips.pdf
Middle School PSSA Tips Sheet.pdf
Grades 3-4: ascelementary@svpanthers.org
Grades 5-8: ascmiddle@svpanthers.org
Grade 11: aschigh@svpanthers.org
Pennsylvania's Report Card details 2011 information on achievement, accountability, highly qualified teachers, and other indicators. This report card is a public document that can be accessed by anyone interested in viewing a wide variety of state, district, and school performance reports.
Reauthorized ESEA of 2001 (1964) current policy and procedure. This Act will be reauthorized 2011-2012, with new policy and procedures for allocation and utilization of federal education funds. Please visit the following website for more information on this Act:
Visit the Assessments page of this website to read information on Scholastic Reading Inventory and the LEXILE Level.
As mentioned in a July email sent via SchoolMessenger a more extensive individual student report will be mailed on the 14th of September, 2011. The following was the email sent the morning of September 14th, 2011:
"Dear Parent/Guardian,
After the 14th of September, the PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment) Individual Student Report will be mailed to you. This is an extensive report illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of your child’s performance on the 2011 PSSA for mathematics, reading, science and writing.
You can read the accompanying “student report guide” by visiting www.svpanthers.org and clicking on the Assessments link and the website for the Office of Assessment and Instruction/News&Announcements. What’s more, you may contact your child’s teacher or the building coordinator of academic services for more information regarding your child’s performance.
If you don’t receive the report by the end of next week please contact the main office of your child’s attending school.
Jim Deegan
SauconValley School District
K-12 Supervisor of Assessment and Instruction
610.838.7001 ext.1109"
NOTE: The July results letter, referenced in the following information, will be placed within the beginning of the year packet. If this packet is not picked up prior to the begining of school, this packet will be mailed home. A more extensive PSSA individual student results report will be mailed mid to late September.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
During the spring of 2011, your child/children had taken the PSSA inReading, Math and Science and/or Writing. The Pennsylvania Department of Education makes two reports available to parents; a preliminary PSSA report illustrating scaled scores and proficiency levels, which we now have available, and, at the beginning of the school year, a more in-depth report providing an explanation of results will be mailed to you.
To save on the cost of mailing, the preliminary PSSA report will be available for pick-up at the school office starting July 5th. The office hours are as follows: M-Th 7:15 – 3:30, Fri 7:45 - 11:30, no appointment necessary.
For more information on the PSSA, please visit the following websites:
If you have any questions in regards to PSSA testing or scores, please call me at 610-838-7026, extension – 1109, or feel free to contact me through email at james.deeegan@svpanthers.org
Jim Deegan
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I apologize for the follow-up email, but I would like to address a few questions that have been asked regarding the original email:
- Can the scores be emailed? Due to FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) and possible inconsistencies with technology, it would be in the best interest of the parent/guardian, students and school district if we did not email this information.
- I have three children, one in each building; can the results be placed in one location for pick-up? It would not be an efficient use of our staff to manually collate paper copies for the results of 1300 students across three buildings. Luckily, all three buildings are within a campus. I apologize for any inconvenience this may bring about.
- Office hours stated were those of the Saucon Valley District Office. The hours for the elementary, middle and high school offices are as follows: M-Th: 7:15-3:30 F: 7:30-11:30.
Again, thank you for your cooperation.
Jim Deegan
http: //paayp.emetric.net/
We will administer Algebra I to grades 8 and 9,10, or 11 if students are currently enrolled in the Algebra I course. Those students who currently have an English class in grade 9 will receive the English Composition Keystone and students who have Literature (mix of grades 9,10, or 11) will receive the Literature Keystone Exam. THe English Composition Keystone Exam is a field test and will not be operational until 2012. The Algebra I and Literature Keystone Exam will be used to establish cut scores with the data from the 2011 operational administration.
Dates: May 3 and 4 Grade 8 Algebra I Keystone Exam. The exam will take place over two days Module 1 on the 3rd and Module 2 on the 4th. THe students will be taking the exam during their algebra class and missing whatever class they may have periods 4 and 5. They will also be excused from their 3rd period, towards the end, to move to the Audion where the exam will be administered.
Dates: May 9-11 Grades 9-11 Algebra I, Literature and English Composition Keystone Exams. The exam will take place over three days Module 1 and Module 2 will take place over two blocks, and the exams will be administered in their respective courses and within the classroom setting.
For further information on Keystone Exams, please visit the following website: www.pdesas.org
PSSA Testing Schedule District 2011.pdf
Guide to PVAAS Public Reporting FINAL 2 22 11.pdf
PVAAS NCE PSSA Presentation 2011.pdf
The above mentioned field tests gather question response data that is used by the state to align future CDT and Keystone Exam assessments. Once CDT becomes operational (Math is operational as of Fall 2010) the teachers will utilize the CDT data to guide discussions in instruction and curriculum review. This data will be populated into the state's Standard Aligned System (SAS http://www.pdesas.org ) allowing teachers to review instructional practices and resources to address a student's strength or weakness of a given standard/anchor (skill). The Keystone Exams will be created to reflect the standards/anchors (skills) (to view Reading, Writing & Speaking and Math anchors ) for a specific subject area and are representative of content taught. Just a reminder, not all students will be participating. Due to state set criteria, only students who were enrolled in Algebra I, a grade 10 English course and a Biology introductory course, during the 2009-2010 school year, may be selected for the field test.
Please view the following document which provides a brief overview of CDT and Keystone Exams.
CDT_Keystone Brief Overview.pdf