Port Allegany Jr/Sr High School Counselor


Local testing dates and locations.  Please check www.collegeboard.com for the most current list of testing times and centers.

U.S. SAT Test Dates

U.S. deadlines apply for students testing in the United States, U.S. territories and U.S. commonwealths.

*Deadlines expire at midnight, EDT (U.S.A.).


*The SAT is a college entrance exam that tests Reading, Mathematics, and Writing

*The SAT is $54.50; fee waivers for qulifying students

*You must register through the above website - please do not wait until the last day

*You must upload a photograph of yourself for your admittance ticket

*If you need help, schedule an appointment with your school counselor.

Test Date Registration Deadline

Late Registration

(Late Fee Required)

Test Center
October 1, 2016 September 1, 2016 September 2-20, 2016

Bradford, Coudersport,

Cuba, Olean

November 5, 2016 October 7, 2016 October 8-25, 2016 Bradford, Olean
December 3, 2016 November 3, 2016 November 4-22,2016 Bradford,Cuba,Olean
January 21, 2017 December 21, 2016

December 22, 2016 -

January 10, 2017

Bradford, Olean
March 11, 2017 February 10, 2017 February 11-28, 2017

Bradford, Olean

May 6, 2017 April 7, 2017 April 8-25, 2017

Bradford, Coudersport

Cuba, Olean

June 3, 2017 May 9, 2017 May 16-24, 2017 Bradford, Cuba, Olean


Our CEEB Code:  394606


Test Center Codes:

   Bradford:       39158

   Coudersport:  39216

   Cuba NY:       33709

   Olean NY:      33730

Additional fees apply if you register late or make changes to your test type, center or date after registering.

Sunday administrations usually occur the day after each Saturday test date for students who cannot test on Saturday dueto religious observance.



The SAT will change effective March 2016... There are several changes.  I'll highlight some of the the changes.

  • Length of test will change from 3hrs and 50 min (with essay) to 3hrs and 45 min.  (Av. of 1:10 per question)
  • The critical reading changes to evidence based reading.  Students must support their answers through passages in the text.
  • There will be no penalty for "guessing"
Students are encouraged to take the test that will give them the best chance to succeed.  Please see your school counselor with any additional questions.

