Mrs. Allshouse's Math Site




Pre Calculus H

Syllabus 2018-2019.pdf

4/29  Today we did application problems involving vectors.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 457-458, problems 59, 63, 67, 73, 75, 83

4/15  Today we worked on a graded worksheet for chapter 6 section 4

4/9 Today we continued chapter 6 section 4.  Please do the following assignment. Pages 467-468, problems 25-33 odd, 43-51 odd

4/5  Page 467, problems 1-23 odd

4/3  Graded assignment on introduction of vectors.

4/1  Today we started learning about vectors.  Please do some of the following problems.  Chapter 6 Section3 pages 456-457, problems 1-51 odd

2/25  Graded assignment for Hyperbolas

2/21  Read Chapter 10 Section 4 on pages 753-759. Follow each example and do the checkpoint problems after each example (skip example 5).  

2/19  Graded assignment for Ellipses

2/14  Ellipses and Circles Pages 750-751, problems 1-6 all, 7-27 every other odd, 37, 39, 51, 53

2/12  Graded assignment on Parabolas

2/8 Parabolas Pages 740-741, problems 15, 19, 23, 25, 33, 37, 45, 49

1/24  Review for a test on chapter 9 sections 5-7.  Answers to Chapter 9 Sections 5-7 Review.pdf

1/22 Today we finished probability.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 710-712, problems 27, 31, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51

1/17  Today we started probability.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 709-711, problems 1-19 odd, 33, 39, 41

1/9  Today we did a practice worksheet on Chapter 9 Sections 5 and 6.  This will be handed in for points.

1/7  Today we looked at Fundamental Counting Principle, Combinations and Permutations Chapter 9 Section 6. Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 698-700, problems 1-21 odd, 37-59 odd, 66

1/3  We talked about binomial expansion and pascal's triangle. Chapter 9 Section 5 Page 688, problems 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 33, 37, 39, 43, 47, 49, 51

12/11 Review of sequences and series.  Sequence and Series Review.pdf   Sequences and Series Formula Sheet.pdf  Solutions to Sequence and Series Review.pdf

11/29  Today we started proof by mathematical induction.  Please do proofs 5 and 7 on page 681.

11/27  Today we did an in-class assignment on geometric sequences and series.

11/20  Chapter 9 section 3 Geometric Sequences and Series.

11/16  Today we did an in-class assignment on arithmetic sequences and series. 

11/14  Arithmetic Sequences and Series  Pages 659-661, problems 3-47 every other odd, 59-79 every other odd, 83, 85, 87, 93

11/6   I was not in school today.  Please read Chapter 9 Section 1 on pages 642-647.  You already learned half of the material.  Please work on the following assignment:  Pages 649-651, problems 1-21 every other odd, 23-26 all, 37-83 odd, 89-105 odd.  We will go over everything in class on Thursday.

10/30  We began Sequences and Series today.  Please complete Pages 649-650, 9, 11, 23, 25, 37-49 odd

10/28  In class assignment on Matrices

10/22 Pages 597-598, problems 1,3,7,13,17, 23-26, 27, 29, 31, 49

10/9 Page 559, problems 18,22  **Handed in for points**

10/5  Pages 548-549, problems 35-47 odd

9/27 Page 539, problems 29, 33, 37, 39, 41

9/25 Page 539, problems 17, 19, 21, 23

8/28  Page 504, problems 17-25 every other odd, 49-57 every other odd, 61-69 odd

8/30  Page 504, problems 29, 33, 35, 54, 58

