North Schuylkill

Junior High School Guidance

Motivating Children To Learn


10 Ways To Motive Your Child To Learn     [The Positive Line #79930 Item #CS-844]

 REMEMBER - Set an example.  Let your child see how much you enjoy learning new things and reaching your goals.


  1. Introduce new areas of learning whenever possible and encourage your child to learn more
    about subjects that interest him/her.
  2. Watch quality educational videos and TV shows together and talk about them afterwards.
  3. Take advantage of learning resources at the local library and on the Internet.
    Enjoy them together.
  4. Put up a "Goals Achievement Chart".  Then have your child set learning goals and record
    every effort to reach them.
  5. Take trips together to museums and other learn facilities, especially those with
    interactive displays.
  6. Establish a structured study schedule at the same time and place each day.
  7. Make time to talk with your child and really listen.  Being listened to builds self-esteem
    and promotes learning.
  8. Encourage you child to read books about famous people who achieved success by studying hard.
  9. Enroll your child in after-school clubs and sports that offer different learning opportunities.
  10. Praise your child often, acknowledging efforts, not just results.

