Mechel Golenberke: My First Website

Chapter 11


Biology I – Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics

Miller Levine Chapter 11 Textbook

Chapter 11 Study Workbook 

Quizlet: Golenberke M & L Biology Chapter 11 Intro to Genetics Review


Big Idea #10:  Hereditary information is inherited and expressed. (The Laws of inheritance in sexual reproduction are determined by genetics. The gene is the common functional unit of heredity.)

  1. The DNA that comprises an organism’s genome is organized into chromosomes. (S11.B.2.2.1)
  2. Genes and their related proteins comprise chromosomes. (S11.B.2.2.1)
  3. One or more pairs of genes code for the expression of inherited traits. (S11.B.2.1.2; S11.B.2.1.4; S11.B.2.2.1)
  4. Two or more versions of a gene (alleles) contribute to the expression of inherited traits. (S11.B.2.1.4; S11.B.2.2.1)
  5. Meiosis involves a two-step nuclear division reducing the number of chromosomes in half – producing gametes. (S11.B. 1.1.3; S11.B.2.1.4; S11.B.2.2.1 & 2 & 3)
  6. During the process of meiosis genetic recombinations may occur contributing to genetic variability within a population. (S11.B. 1.1.3; S11.B.2.1.4; S11.B.2.2.1 & 2 & 3)
  7. Patterns of inheritance reflecting how genes interact and express themselves (including dominant, recessive, codominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linked, sex-influenced, multiple alleles) can be predicted, observed, and described.  S11.B.2.1.4; S11.B.2.2.1 & 2 & 3)
  8. The Punnet square is a tool that can be used to predict the probability of an offspring’s genotype and phenotype. (S11.B.2.2.1 & 2 & 3)



DAY 110

11.1 The Work of Gregor Mendel

Describe Mendel’s studies & conclusions about inheritance

Describe what happens during segregation


DAY 111

Begin Mendelian Genetics

                                 Two Trait Crosses

Review concepts & terms of genetics &construct Punnett squares in examples

Randomly select the genotype of an organism & construct its phenotype


DAY 112


Explain how geneticists use the principles of probability to make Punnett squares

Explain the principle of independent assortment

Explain how Mendel’s principles apply to all organisms


Day 113

  • Finish SpongeBob Genetics Problems
  • SpongeBob Genetics Quiz?: (genetics problems I & II only, no dihybrid)

 Teachers Pet: Gregor Mendel



Dihybrid Crosses:

Two Trait Crosses

Mendelian Genetics in the Simplest Terms I Can think Of” PPT lesson – last slide: frog book dihybrid cross example

Teachers Pet: Test Cross, Dihybrid & Probability

Spongebob Dihybrid Problems



DAY 115 – activity period 2 – my plan – NO NEW STUDY ISLAND – Study Island Topic 5c Heredity

Heredity: Crash Course Biology #9Kahn Academy link


Hank and his brother John discuss heredity via the gross example of relative ear wax moistness.


DAY 116

11.2 Applying Mendel’s Principles

Genetics & Math

  1. Hand out notes: Genetics & Math
  2. Lab: The Ups & Downs of Probability

Explore how probabilities can be used to predict outcomes

Compare predicted outcomes to experimental outcomes

Substitute properly marked coins for gamete cells & toss the coins to represent offspring

Determine the expected offspring & compare it to observed offspring obtained through coin tossing


DAY 117 & 118

11.3 Other Patterns of Inheritance       

  1. 11.3 Lesson Overview PowerPoint (15 slides) or my complex inheritance PPT (notes)
  2. Teacher’s Pet: Non-Mendelian Genetics (5:33) – stop @ 3:34, no sex-linked traits yet
  3. SpongeBob Genetics: Incomplete Dominance(or worksheet w/ codominance problems also) – check answers & hand in
  4. 11.3 Notes
  5. 11.3  Study Workbook

Describe the other inheritance patterns

Explain the relationship between genes & the environment

DAYS 118 & 119

11.4 Meiosis

Teacher’s Pet – Mitosis & Meiosis (2:42) & Teacher’s Pet – Stages of Meiosis (3:31)



My Meiosis Notes (Meiosis PPT)

(Cells Alive Meiosis Animation

(Frog Workbook worksheet: Stages of Meiosis & Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis – do together (meiosis worksheet ppt))


Teacher’s Pet – Formation of Gametes (3:56)


  1. Meiosis: Where the Sex Starts - Crash Course Biology #13 Kahn Academy link


Hank gets down to the nitty gritty about meiosis, the special type of cell division that is necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms


meiosis coloring page – check answers – new bigger CWB 2-17 Meiosis with questions


McGraw Hill Animations/Tutorials:

Stages of Meiosis

Unique Features of Meiosis

Meiosis with Crossing Over

Meiosis I

Meiosis II

Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis


11.4 Notes & Diagram

11.4 Study Workbook & Chapter 11 Vocab Review – due day 115

Contrast the number of chromosomes in body cells & gametes

Summarize the events of meiosis

Contrast meiosis & mitosis

Describe how alleles from different genes can be inherited together




Sunburst Meiosis Video Quiz (31:03)

Nice Meiosis Website:

Games: arrange it, crossword, fling the teacher, order it, pair it


Review: Pearson BioCoach - Meiosis

Biology Corner Notes:

More Biology Corner Notes: (simpler)

BioFlix: Mitosis

BioFlix: Meiosis



DAY 121 Review

  1. Collect 11.4/voc rev & check answers after BioJunction work & before video
  2. 2.        Short gene linkage/mapping lesson - at end of meiosis lesson PPT (10 min)
  3. Video: (40 minutes) Chromosomes & Genes (meiosis 14:08-19:36) or Biologix Meiosis & gamete Formation (29 minutes)


Review for Test – poker or Jeopardy or study cards


Genetics Tutoring Links:


Sunburst Video: Genes & Chromosomes (40:23)

Part 1 DNA & Traits (6:41)     Part 2 Mitosis & Meiosis (13:54)           Part 3 Mendel’s Theory (10:49)              Part 4 DNA Production (6:36)


Quizlet: - 56 terms search dcabrol on app

**if you search the app: miller and Levine biology chapter 11: there are a few with 148 – look at 1-91 only


DAY 122 Chapter 11 Test 
