Miss Gdaniec's Homework Website!
2019 - 2020 Required Class Materials
Items need to be replaced as necessary during the school year.
Students are expected to bring all required materials to class daily.
Foundations of Scientific Inquiry - MPS Pre-IB/H:
◊ I'd recommend the larger one. You will keep all of your notes for the year in the binder. It will definitely be full by the end of the year. It will also become a great tool for Chemistry I-IB.
◊ The iPad will be used as a tool in combination with the lessons but will not serve as a replacement for a written notebook.
◊ We will be covering 11 units throughout the year. We will be organizing your notebooks by divider to make your notebook a useful tool for studying.
◊ All assignments/tests/labs that are handed in need to be completed on college-ruled paper.
◊ Must be able to do powers of 10.
Chemistry CP:
◊ I'd recommend the larger one. You will keep all of your homework for the year and your worksheets in the binder. It will definitely be full by the June. If you choose to do paper notes rather than the iPad, they will go in the binder as well.
◊ We will be covering 10 units throughout the year.
◊ All assignments/tests/labs that are handed in need to be completed on college-ruled paper.
◊ Must be able to do powers of 10.