My Website
I will add links as I am made aware of resources that will be helpful for teachers. If you have a suggestion for a link that would be beneficial, let me know and I'll add it to the list. If a link no longer works, or if you think something is inappropriate, let me know and I will edit the resources. Please be patient as this list will be continuously updated.
ChemiCool Interactive Periodic Table
Comic Book Periodic Table of Elements
LennTech Periodic Table of Elements
DNA Genetics and Evolution
Earth Science
Windows to the Universe - From National Earth Science Teachers Association
Environment and Ecology
Household Carbon Footprint Calculator
General Science
SciLinks - NSTA resources that have been reviewed by science teachers
NSTA Learning Center - NSTA eProfessional Development
BBC Science - Includes some great videos
Bill Nye - Multiple resources
The Exploratorium - Great resource for activities for different audiences
Extreme Science - Just as the name implies . . . records, extremes in science
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Free resources and materials
How Everything Works - Great questions and answers
How Stuff Works - How do things work?
Khan Academy - Tutorial clips
Mad Sci Net - Search engine and answers questions
National Center for Science Education - Information regarding evolution and climate change
NOVA - Videos from the TV show
Science Learning Network - A consortia of science museums
Science NetLinks - AAAS site that includes lessons and tools for K-12 teachers
The Why Files - Science behind the news
Life Science
Physical Science
Space Science