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Anatomy and Physiology

  Anatomy Curriculum Syllabus.doc

Homework Information:  All homework (as well as activities and each Chapter test) is assigned 6 to 7 days in advance, thus late homework will not be accepted. Homework is expected to be completed if the student was absent on the day prior to due date. If a student is absent 2 or more days prior to an assignment, then accommodations will occur.


Study Method PPT: StudyMethods.ppt

Anatomy and Physiology Activities, 2008-2012: Anatomy and Physiology Activities1.pdf

          Skeltal System 2013:2013 Anatomy & Physiology Skeletal System Projects.pptx

                    Muscle Fatigue Lab 2013:    2013 A&PMuscleFatigue.pptx


New >>>> 2014 Orientation and Skeletal Projects: 2014A&PSkeleton.pptx

 Anatomy & Physiology Muscle Fatigue Lab slideshow...

 Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Project 2012: Anatomy & Physiology 2012 Skeleton.pptx


