Welcome to Mr. Herrington's Website

Classroom Rules
  1. Pay attention and follow directions
  2. Arrive on time with all materials (textbook, notebook, writing utensil).
  3. Be respectful of teacher, peers, and any guests that may visit the classroom.
  4. No talking while teacher is talking. (or anyone designated as a presenter).
  5. Chewing gum is kept in the mouth.  (I don't want to see it or hear it).
  6. Sit properly in assigned seat.
  7. No use of earphones in the classroom unless authorized by the teacher.
  8. No use of cell phones or other electronic items unless authorized by the teacher.
  9. Complete assignments on time.  (See homework policy).
  10. Do your own work.  Copied work will be given a score of zero.
  11. Give 100 % at all times.
  12. All other school rules are to be followed. 

* Failure to follow class rules will lead to after school teacher detentions and/or office referrals.

