Mr. Yescavage


Life Science      


Lehighton Area Middle School      301 Beaver Run Road       Lehighton, PA 18235         610-377-6535


Please refer to the FOSS website to follow current topics and activities covered in class.


Back to Downloads page - click here


 Fossil vidence of Evolution Interactive Worksheet


 Bacteria and Viruses Interactive Worksheet




May 17, Thursday: Group Presentations. Research, Create, and Present your assigned pages from Chapter 8; Protists and Fungi.


May 1st, Tuesday: Arbor Day program at the Environmental Center.


April 30th, Monday: Study Guide for Chapter 7 #1-50 (graded for accuracy)


May 3rd, Friday: Live Specimens: View under the Microscope - Planaria, Vinegar Eels, Brown Hydra, Daphnia.


May 10th, Monday: NFL Review for TEST on Tuesday.


May 11th, Friday: Chapter 7 TEST - yes, the date has changed. We received a live shipment of microscopic organisms and will spend classtime observing them. The specimens are Planaria, Vinegar Eels, Daphnia, Brown Hydra, Paramecium, Euglena, Stentor, Blespharisma, Volvox, Amoeba.


April 23, 24, 25, Mon. - Wed.: Finish Interactive worksheet - Bacteria and Viruses (submit), complete Lesson 1 - Chapter 7 Outline, complete the Shapes of Bacteria activity, Read Lesson 3 - Viruses - take online quiz, complete Content A and Content B :"What are Viruses?" worksheet.


April 18 -20, Wed. - Friday: Work on Virtual Lab - "Germs", project your answers onto the whiteborad via Question #1 and #4. Start the Bacteria and Viruses Interactive Worksheet.


April 17, Tuesday: Finish Bar Graph. Start Chapter 7, Lesson 2 (online book) Virtual Lab. Complete the Pre-lab paper, collect data, answer the conclude questions.

bar graph0001-001.jpg



April 13, Friday: Handwashing Lab; complete the procedures, record data, produce a bar graph with the results.


April 11, Wednesday: chapter 7 Bacteria, read lesson 1


April 9, Monday: Chapter 6 TEST, use the study guide for testing material. You can obtain an additional copy from the downloads page on the website.



March 27, Tuesday: Pepper Moth Simulation. Objective - Simulate changes in moth population due to pollution and predation, and observe how species can change over time. Answer the Data and Analysis questions to the lab. See the link below.

Peppered Moth Simulation



March 23, Friday: Evolution Cartoon. Create an animal that evolves.Be neat, be creative, be funny - it's a cartoon! Have fun with it. Today we also camouflaged paper butterfly's and hid them in the classroom.


Cartoon 20001-001.jpg





March 22, Thursday: Bellringer Quiz Chapter 6 Lesson 1 page 196 #1-9


February 28, Wednesday: Chapter 5 study guide, complete #1-50. graded -1/2 point each.


March 1, Thursday: Pages 50, 51, 52,53. Lesson 3 Chapter 5 - DNA and Genetics: Define, identify, sequence, explain, compare, connect.  20 points  - corrected on March 8.


March 6, Tuesday: Chapter 5 Test, use your study guide for this assessment


March 9, Friday: computer based learning; Cyber Ed unit on Fossils and Evolution. Online test at the end of the lesson, students can use notes they take on the lesson for the test.


March 12: In-service day; no school for students; teacher training.


March 13, Tuesday: ...continue Cyber Ed unit on Fossils and Evolution.


March 14 - 15, Wednesday/Thursday: Students are working on the Fossils as Evidence of Evolution Interactive worksheet. See the link above.



March 16, Friday: Reading groups - Chapter 6 - Lesson 1, 2, 3: followed by on-line quiz of each lesson and SmartBoard Interactive review session.









February 26, Monday: Chapter 5 Study Guide #1-50 work on in class, will be checked for accuracy and graded on Wednesday.

February 27, Tuesday: Field Trip

February 22, Thursday: Dog Traits activity. Students matched DNA to dog traits and then created thier genetic dog via a drawing.
Dog Traits.jpg


February 21, Wednesday: Bell-Ringer Quiz - chapter 5, Lesson 1 Review #1-10

February 9th, Friday to February 14th: Students are working on Chapter 5 material GENETICS, a computer based program called Cyber Ed will be utilized in class. This program allows students to apply knowledge from a lesson on genetics and traits. Students will: explain how traits are inherited, use a punnett square to predict, explain differences between genotype and phenotype, and explain the importance of genetic engineering.


February 12, Monday: assessment CyberEd program, students can use the notes they take for the 2nd unit test (13 questions).






February 14th, Wednesday: Genetics - Virtual Lab - Online book, lesson 2




February 15th, Thursday: Finish Cyber Ed program, complete the Online Virtual Lab Lesson 2, complete the Lesson 2 Outline (graded), watch the BrainPop video on Heredity and answer the questions after the video segment.

February 16th, Friday: DNA Origami - students will make a model of the classic DNA - double helix. Students will use the template below made from cardstock to produce their models.

DNA origami0001-001.png




February 6th, Tuesday: Chapter 4 TEST, study the guide given out in class.



Human Genome Project   Website - Check it out!


January 29th, Monday: Asexual Reproduction project. Complete the project paper by detailing and labeling the various forms of asexual reproduction. You can get your information from your science book or research it on-line. 20 points - due Tuesday.

 AR example 1.png AR example 2.png



January 23, Tuesday: Chapter 4: Students are working on presentations. They will be completed in school. Students were assigned to groups and were also assigned material to research, compose, and then present.

January 24, Wednesday: ...continue with presentations.

January 25, Thursday: Groups will start presenting material.




January 10, Wednesday: Chapter 3 study guide #1-40 due

January 11, Thursday: Bell-ringer quiz - chapter 3, Lesson 1 #1-10 page 94

January 16, Tuesday: TEST - Chapter 3 - use the study guide provided in class for testing material.




January 3, Wednesday: Correct classwork worksheet pages 29/30 - Chapter 3 Lesson 2 outline and chapter vocabulary.

January 4, Thursday: Animal Mitosis microslide lab activity (30 points). Students will be viewing slides of the ascaris worm (parasitic) during different stagesof mitosis. They will answer questions pertaining to the slides and information packet. Students will also draw and label several stages of development.

January 5, Friday: continue with the Animal Mitosis microslide lab (see description above).









December 15, Friday: Chapter 3 WS, Lesson 1 pages 13/14 due Monday

December 18, Monday: Chapter 3 WS, Lesson 1 pages 20/21 due Tuesday

December 20, Monday: Cell Cycle - flip book - prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase




December 12th, Tuesday: Chapter 2 Test; use the chapter 2 study guide for testing material.


November 9, Thursday: See the timeline below for Chapter 2 classroom assignments:


Chapter 2 – Cell Structure and Function             

      Start page 40        Timeline

Place a X next to the number when completed


Name:                                                Period:


  1. Lesson 1 – online quiz /online book: _________grade
  2. View/draw/include the magnification (x) of the 2 slides. Add color: Drawings should be done in your science journal.
  3. Make a study card – 1 card per group of 2, 2 cards per group of 3. See instructions on the table. List the study guide question # on the roster sheet and cross it out on the study guide.
  4. Lesson 2 – online quiz/online book: _________grade
  5. Lesson 2- BrainPop video and quiz/online book
  6. Make a crossword puzzle of the vocabulary words on page 50 – Have another group complete the crossword.
  7. Make a replica of a cell (Plant or Animal) using the supplies provided. Put your names on it.
  8. Lesson 3/online book – Math Personal Tutor: write ratios in simplest form and then do the Math Practice – use ratios – practice ___________grade
  9. Lesson 3/online book: Virtual Lab: Under what conditions do cells gain or lose water, get a paper copy of the data table and complete it. Answer the 5 journal questions in your science journal.
  10. Science book page 63 – mini Balloon lab, record in your science journal
  11. Lesson 4 – Personal Tutor/online book video tutor Photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
  12. Lesson 4 – online quiz/online book ___________grade
  13. Chapter 2 Worksheet packet – grade with keys (sign-out): 100 points
  14. Socrative 1 and Socrative 2 – computer –      Room #40573       
  15.                             Cell Structure and Function #1-20 and #20-40


November 15, Wednesday: Bell-ringer Quiz, Chapter 2 Lesson 1


November 16, Thursday: "What's coming out of your mouth"? lab activity. Student will analyze the affect of exercise on cellular respiration. They will identify the role of carbon dioxide production, breathing rate, and heart rate in determining the rate of cellular respiration.


November 20, Monday: Diffusion - lab activity. Students performed an experiment using carrots, salt, water, string, etc... the experiment will sit for 24 hours and tomorrow students will analyze the results and record their observations.


November 21, Tuesday: Recorded Diffusion Lab results; graded 15 points. Cell Theory Rap - lyrics for getting to know the organelles and their functions in cells.


November 22, Wednesday: work on Chapter 2 Timeline; see above (Nov. 9).





November 1, Wednesday: Chapter 1 Study Guide: Tuesday - students worked with a partner, Wednesday they worked by themselves. 50 questions, 25 points. This study guide will be used for testing material on Wednesday, November 8th.


Test - Wednesday - November 8th.





October 12, Thursday: Continue virtual lab on classifying organisms. Padlet activity: classifying organism of choice by Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. Bell ringer quiz Tuesday: pg 16: Lesson 1 review 1-11.

October 13, Friday: Classifying animals with dichotomous keys and cladograms. Chapter 1, Lesson 2.

October 16, Monday: Classification competition. Microscope use demo. View electron microscope magnified images.

October 17, Tuesday: Bell ringer quiz: Chapter 1, lesson 1 review. Microscope parts coloring activity. 

October 18, Wednesday: Stereo-microscope Lab Activity; students will learn how to use and then view dozens of objects in this engaging hands on activity.

October 19, Thursday: Compound Microscope Lab; students will learn how to use and then view items in this engaging hands on lab activity. They will complete a lab packet that will be graded.

October 20, Friday: Club Day. Students visited our Environmental Center where they took pond samples and compost soil samples for viewing under the stereoscope microscopes.

October 23, Monday: Finish the Compound Microscope lab

October 24, Tuesday: Microscope Lab - graded = 30 points. Complete #1-8 page 36 - Chapter 1 Review

October 25, Wednesday: Start Chapter 1 PowerPoint presentation, students will complete the transcript paper that accompanies the presentation.

October 25, Thursday: ...continue powerpoint presentation. Additional Activities; unscramble the Characteristics of Life worksheet, use the Dichotomous key to identify the animal tracks.




Below this line are previous log-in entries of classroom assignments and activities:




September 6, Wednesday:  Log onto your PowerSchool account. Students explored the 7 White website., select middle school, select teams, select 7 White team. Check for daily reports of what is happening in class, download classroom material, check for extra credit.

September 7, Thursday: complete the activity Treasure Hunt - NOs X and Xi - #1-10, use the new Padlet website to post your reponses.

September 8, Friday: Reviewed Treasure Hunt Activity (x - xi), Nail demonstration - critical thinking skills, Memory Box Activity - How to improve your memory, Review Metric Units on Smartboard.


September 11, Monday: Lesson 1 - Understanding Science, review key concepts, Brown Bag Activity, Make a Help Wanted Sign Activity.


September 12, Tuesday: Lesson 1- topics of Bias, theory, and law in the scientific community. Page NOS 10 for a reference. Fidget spinner demonstration, fake or real slides.


September 14, Thursday: students complete a virtual lab on composting, they used a computer generated simulator to change the percentages of green to brown material,  water would be added, and how many turns per month (mixing). Students then answered analyze and conclude questions via padlet.


September 15, Friday: Metric quiz - place the metric units in order from least to greatest:  ANSWER: Milli, Centi, Deci, Meter, Deca, Hecto, Kilo.

Start the lab activity: Do you measure up? students will record data and then display the information in a line graph format.


September 18, Monday: Students collected class data from the lab Do You Measure Up? Students will display that data in the form of a line graph. Assignments = 20 points.


September 19, Tuesday: Bell Ringer Quiz #1: Page NOS 11, Lesson 1 Review #1-8. Work/finish Line graph.

September 20, Wednesday: 10 minutes work on Line Graphs. Start lesson on Significant Digits (See Lesson 2, NOS). Students participated in a round robin lab - 15 stations, 2 problems per station.

September 21, Thursday: collect Line Graphs from the "Do you measure up"  lab (20 points). Read lesson 3 NOS - Nature of Science page 20. Finish Significant Digits lab.


September 22, Friday: Significant Digits quiz, 10 problems - all covered in class during the Round Robin lab. Energy Audit Activity. Students will learn how the cost of energy to run a home will effect their household budgets.


September 25, Monday: Energy Audit activity, related to NOS lesson 3 - oil from algae - bioreactors. Students will realize the cost of using energy in you everday life.


September 26, Tuesday: Chapter - NOS - Scientific Explanations study guide #1-30 graded for accuracy - due Wednesday (15 points)


September 27, Wednesday: Finish Study Guide - #31-50. Smartboard review of material.


September 28, Thursday: Kahoot review/NFL Review- Scientific Explanations -  NOS (nature of science)


September 29, Friday: NOS - Scientific Explanations TEST - use your study guide for testing material.


 October 2, Monday: Start Chapter 1, lesson 1: Interactive activity to compare Living and nonliving things. Discussion on the 6 characteristics of life: Organization activity.Went over answers for lesson 1 outline:10 points for completion.

 October 3, Tuesday: Chapter 1, lesson 1: Finish discussion on six characteristics of living things: Interactive activities to model homeostasis, bacteria reproduction, growth and development, energy and reponse to stimuli.

October 4, Wednesday: Work on chapter 1 vocab worksheet and Response to stmuli:Tropism worksheet.

October 5, Thursday: Go over vocab worksheet. Students fill in answers for credit: 10 points for completion. Start Scientifc Tools lab: 10 stations- measuring pH, dimensions, temperature, and weight  with various scientifc instruments.

October 6, Friday: Worked on Scientific Tools lab.

October 10, Tuesday: Finish lab. Go over and compare results.

October 11, Wednesday: Go over scientific tools lab results. Start Chapter 1, lesson 2. Connect Ed. Virtual lab: classification of organisms into the 6 kingdoms.

 Example 30001.eit
Example 40001.eit
Example 50001.eit
