Ms. Corson's English Website

Announcements\ Extra-Credit

                                                                              Extra Credit Opportunities

Extra credit may be turned in on Fridays only (unless we are not in school on a Friday, then Thursday).  Students may do multiple types of extra credit each week, but not more than one from each category\type, unless stated below in the insturctions.

What's going on in this picture?

Click on the link and look at the picture for today.  New York Times Picture  Make an inference about what is going on in this picture and support it wih evidence from the picture.  Present your inference and your evidence in a paragraph along with the date of the picture. (one per week)



Search your music library for a song that has the same theme (not subject) as a short story, poem, or novel that we have read.

Make a t-chart comparing them and/or write a paragraph explaining why you believe that they have the same message.  There should not be any grammatical errors. (5-15 pts.)  (one per week)


WWW (Wide World of Words) creation of the class of ‘15

Hear a vocabulary word being used on TV, on the radio, by a teacher, coach, or parent, etc. …write it down and turn it in for extra credit on Friday.

To get full credit you need to include the following infromation:  the word, how it was used, where and when it was used, who used it, and an explanation of the context in which the word was used.

There should not be any grammatical errors. (2-4 points per word, 1 to 5 words per week)


word-hoard 1.  a person's vocabulary (noun) extra credit idea suggested by Steven Brumbaugh, class of '19

Demonstrate your growing personal Word-hoard by using previous vocab words on your weekly vocab tests.  Mark them in your sentences with an asterick (*) and earn bonus points for your sentences.  (2-4 points per word, 1-5 words per week)


What is happening in the world

 Read and summarize one article from TweenTribune  or Newsela  (class code DYHH4T) each week to turn in on Friday.  (one per week)


What the future may hold

 Read and summarize one article from Futurism  each week to turn in on Friday.  (one per week)


Like to read?  Online books   


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Academic English

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English I

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 Inclusion English

Remind Ap sign up to receive classroom\assignment reminders.  Text @Inceng to 81010. Last year’s name lists have been cleared, so you will need to sign up again.


Socrative quiz link      Enter room number   203muahs



News & Announcements
