Mrs. Freed's Science Classes!
Honors Physics details the mechanics side of physical science. Students will deal with basic concepts such as Newton's Laws, linear motion, and energy. This class relies heavily on mathematical problem solving skills along with a basic knowledge of trigonometry properties.
Course Outline: Physics Course Outline
PowerSchool (parent)
PowerSchool (student)
Textbook: Holt McDougal "Physics" by Serway, Faughn
Math Review
Math review (1 OF 2) 2 equations w 2 unknowns.pptx
Math Review Powerpoint (2 of 2)
Ch.2 Motion in One Dimension
Ch.3 Two Dimensional Motion and Vectors
Ch.4 Forces and the Laws of Motion
Ch.5 Work and Energy
Work kinetic energy theorem inquiry activity.docx
Work-Energy Theorem Inquiry Activity Rubric.xlsx