Ms. Corson's English Website

English I assignments

                                               English I Homework assignments and tests/quizzes schedule*     

                           Socrative quiz link      Enter room number   203muahs

                            Noredink                                    class code  waiting sky 35

OVERDUE              Organize research paper - outlines

                               Finished Part II ISearch due to the dropbox


Monday, Feb. 24    Begin Part III of ISearch

                               Part V – in class type part V turn into the dropbox

Tuesday                  Vocab 18 due

Grammar 10 notes – Verb notes due     

Grammar 10 noun and pronoun exercises due

Wednesday            Rhyme quiz – rhyme review

In class poetry – sound effects

Work on Part III of ISearch

                               Days 5 and 6 ISearch

Thursday                 Vocab 18 due

Grammar 10 verb exercises due

Friday                     20 line poem quiz

                               Begin Poetry sheet for memorized poem



Monday, Mar. 3      Parts III and V due to the dropbox

                               ISearch Parts III and V turned into

                               Conference Parts III and V in class.  Make changes

Tuesday                  Vocab 16-18 review homework due

                               Notes due for adjectives and adverb of Grammar 10

Wednesday            Begin autobiography 6

                               In class poetry – Imagery and Figures of Speech

Thursday                 Vocab 16-18 test

                               Exercises due for the adjectives and adverbs in Grammar 10

Friday                     Autobiography 6 graphic organizer due

                               Poetry sheet for memorized poem DUE



Monday, Mar. 10    ISearch Rough draft due to the dropbox Parts I-V

Begin Novel

Tuesday                  Vocab 19 homework due

                               Notes due for the remainder of Grammar 10

Wednesday            ISearch Final draft due to the dropbox with pictures and captions

Thursday                 Vocab 19 test

                               Exercises due for the remainder of Grammar 10

Friday                     Poem Recitation


Monday, Mar. 17    Autobiography 6 rough draft due

Tuesday                  Vocab 20 homework

                               Second grammar pretest – Unit 10


Thursday                 END of Q3

                               Vocab 20 test




* The schedule may need to be adjusted from time to time due to classroom disruptions (assemblies, pep assemblies, etc.) or if instruction takes more time than anticipated.   Nothing will ever be due before the date on the schedule; it could l be adjusted to a later date. 

All assignments can be turned in early.


Remember to ask questions whenever you do not understand or need clarification.


After school help will be most Wednesdays at 3.

