Ms. Corson's English Website

Peer conferencing


  Go over the writing rules checklist Writing Rules.doc .


IMPORTANT !!!  Save a copy of your essay  with vocab words in it to your hard drive in the documents > English folder.

      It should be saved as Lastnameautotopic. 

     Make your changes in this one.


Share your document with two others in your class.


1.  Self -conference your document.
2.  Get the conference sheet from one person in your group.  Read his\her essay and fill out the worksheet. 

3.  Get the conference sheet from the other person in your group.  Read his\her essay and fill out the worksheet. 

4.  Get your conference sheet back.  Make the changes in the one saved on your hard drive.

5.  If you have grammar or spelling errors, fix them.



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Grammar help

Examples of strong verbs some strong verbs  some more strong verbs

Need a different word?  Use the this document alternative words.docx
    or a thesaurus

Vivid adjectives suggestion list



