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Unit Two 1607-1754


Essential Questions: 





What were the chief similarities and differences among the development of English, Spanish, Dutch, and French colonies in America?



Work, Exchange,

and Technology


How did distinct economic systems, most notably a slavery system based on African labor, develop in British North America? What was their effect on emerging cultural and regional differences?





Why did various colonists go to the New World? How did the increasing integration of the Atlantic world affect the movement of peoples between its different regions?



Politics and



In what ways did the British government seek to exert control over its American colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries?



America in the



How did the competition between European empires around the world affect relations among the various peoples in North America?




and Geography


How and why did the English North American colonies develop into distinct regions?



Ideas, Beliefs,

And Cultures


How did the expansion of cultural contact that took place with permanent colonization alter conditions in North America and affect intellectual and religious life, the growth of trade, and the shape of political institutions?


Key Concepts:  2.1-2.3

Readings:  American Pageant, pages 28-118

                  A People's History, Drawing the Color Line

                                              A Person of Mean and Vile Condition

 Pagaent Notes:  chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6 

Timeline:  1585-1763

PowerPoint Help: New England/Middle Colonies, Southern Colonies, Colonial Life

Video Review:  Period 2 - 1607 to 1754

Maps:  APUSH Maps 2.ppsx

Documents:  APPARTS Outline

                           Mayflower Compact

                     Massachusetts’s Bay Charter

                     John Winthrop’s City upon a Hill (A Model of Christian Charity), 1630

                     Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

                     Maryland Toleration Act

                     Frontier Grievances from a PA Farmer

                     The Albany Plan of Union

                     Jonathan Edward’s Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

                      Virginia Laws on Slavery

                      Navigation Act of 1660

                      Navigation Act of 1696

                      War Analysis Chart.doc

Conflicting Views:  Conflicting Views braddocks defeat.docx             

Charts: APUSH Charts 2.ppsx

Eco-Module:  None

 Writng Practice: unit 2 leq.docx

                           Salem Witch Trial DBQ.docx
Of Interest:   The Pilgrims


                      Surviving Jamestown



                      Salem Witchcraft

Song(s):  Eagles - Witchy Woman lyrics.mp3

