Essential Questions:
Identity |
How did demographic and economic changes in American society affect popular debates over American national identity?
Work, Exchange, and Technology |
How did the shift to a global economy affect American economic life? How did scientific and technological developments in these years change how Americans lived and worked?
Peopling |
How did increased migration raise questions about American identity and affect the nation demographically, culturally, and politically?
Politics and Power |
How successful were conservatives in achieving their goals? To what extent did liberalism remain influential politically and culturally?
America in the World |
How did the end of the Cold War affect US foreign policy from 1990 onwards ? How did the attacks of September 2001 impact America’s role in the world ? |
Environment and Geography |
How did debates over climate change and energy policy affect broader social and political movements?
Ideas, Beliefs, And Cultures |
How did technological and scientific innovations in areas such as electronics, biology, medicine, and communications affect society, popular culture, and public discourse? How did a more demographically diverse population shape popular culture?
Key Concepts: 9.1-9.3
Readings: American Pageant, pages 985-1037
A People's History, Carter, Reagan, Bush:The Bipartisan Consensus,
The Unreported Resistance, The Clinton Presidnecy and the Crisis of Democracy,
The Coming Revolt of the Guards, The 2000 Election and the "War on Terrorism"
Pagaent Notes: chapter 43, chapter 44, chapter 45
Timeline: 1945 to Present
PowerPoint Help:
Video Review: Period 9 - 1980 to Present
Maps: APUSH - Maps 9.ppsx
Documents: APPARTS Outline
Supreme Court Cases: Supreme Court Case Analysis Sheet.docx
Conflicting Views: NAFTA: Pro and Con
Charts: APUSH Charts 9.ppsx
Eco-Module: APUSH eco unit 4 qa (1).docx
Writng Practice: Unit 9 SAQ.docx
Of Interest: Reagan Shot, 9/11, Radical Islam, Obama Inagural Address
Song(s): Ramones - Sheena is a Punk Rocker.mp3
Buggles - Video killed the radio star 1979.mp3
Crack The Sky - Techni Generation.mp3
Love and Rockets - Ball Of Confusion.mp3