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Unit Nine 1980 - Present



Essential Questions:   




How did demographic and economic changes in American society affect popular debates over American national identity?



Work, Exchange,

and Technology


How did the shift to a global economy affect American economic life? How did scientific and technological developments in these years change how Americans lived and worked?





How did increased migration raise questions about American identity and affect the nation demographically, culturally, and politically?



Politics and



How successful were conservatives in achieving their goals? To what extent did liberalism remain influential politically and culturally?



America in the



How did the end of the Cold War affect US foreign policy from 1990 onwards ?  How did the attacks of September 2001 impact America’s role in the world ?



and Geography


How did debates over climate change and energy policy affect broader social and political movements?



Ideas, Beliefs,

And Cultures


How did technological and scientific innovations in areas such as electronics, biology, medicine, and communications affect society, popular culture, and public discourse? How did a more demographically diverse population shape popular culture?



Key Concepts:  9.1-9.3 

Readings:  American Pageant, pages 985-1037

                  A People's History, Carter, Reagan, Bush:The Bipartisan Consensus,

The Unreported Resistance, The Clinton Presidnecy and the Crisis of Democracy,

The Coming Revolt of the Guards, The 2000 Election and the "War on Terrorism"

Pagaent Notes:  chapter 43, chapter 44chapter 45

Timeline:  1945 to Present

PowerPoint Help:  

Video Review:  Period 9 - 1980 to Present

Maps:   APUSH - Maps 9.ppsx

Documents:  APPARTS Outline                     

                     Tear Down This Wall 1987

                     Clinton - I Have Sinned

                     Bush 9/11 Address

                     Osama Bin Laden Dead                     

Supreme Court Cases:  Supreme Court Case Analysis Sheet.docx    

                                     Texas v. Johnson

                                     Clinton v. Jones

                                     Reno v. ACLU

                                     Clinton v. City of New York

                                     Bush v. Gore

Conflicting Views:  NAFTA:  Pro and Con

Charts: APUSH Charts 9.ppsx

Eco-Module:  APUSH eco unit 4 qa (1).docx

                      APUSH eco 4.ppsx 

Writng Practice:  Unit 9 SAQ.docx

Of Interest:  Reagan Shot9/11, Radical IslamObama Inagural Address

Song(s):  Ramones - Sheena is a Punk Rocker.mp3

                Buggles - Video killed the radio star 1979.mp3
                Crack The Sky - Techni Generation.mp3

                Love and Rockets - Ball Of Confusion.mp3

