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AP U.S. History Exam Information

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 AP US History Exam

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AP United States History


Stress Signs


How to tell if you are under too much stress because of AP US History:

10. Historical figures (like J Edgar Hoover) visit your dreams. 

9. You know who Henry Clay is and can recite various compromises he drafted.     

8. Numbers, like 1812, make your eyes twitch, veins bulge,

and your hand slightly rise by conditioning.     

7. Every night you make sure you have extra pairs of extra-sharpened #2's.

6. The words "multiple" and "choice", especially when said in union,

 bring on epileptic seizures. 

5. Certain letters of the alphabet, namely D and F, are all too familiar.

4. A 70% raises your self-esteem. 

3. You're mantra becomes: "Caffeine does not kill you. 

It makes you stronger."  

2. You shudder whenever you hear the date of the exam mentioned. 

1.  You're social life becomes that of a pebble's. 


Your APUSH Test????

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Video Reviews for the APUSH Exam

1491- 1877

1865 - Present

Study Guide for the APUSH Exam

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Click on the image above to access the study guide.
