Welcome to Ms. Brittany Harris' Website!

About Me


I was born  and raised in Clarks Summit PA for my whole life. I have one sister and I'm a huge family person. I look at my parents as role models because they do everything in their will to make sure my sister and I live amazing lives, and they always do it with a smile on their face. They taught me to always try my best at everything I do, and reach for the stars. I'm here to do just that, I want to earn a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Mid-level education for Mathematics. Most of my high school teachers were against my decision of enrolling into an education program, however my senior math teacher said "go for it kid, you'll do great things" and that was it! I believe that dreams should be followed no matter what or who is against it, you only have one life, make the best of it. As of right now I couldn't ask for anything better. I have been a dancer for the past sixteen years, I have also been in the marching band for the past five years and I'm currently in the Bloomsburg University Maroon and Gold marching band. I absolutely love art and it's a stress reliever for me. Throughout my life I have had many eye openers and situations that in return, made me the person I am today. I have learned many valuable lessons. First of all, never take anything for granted, your life can deteriorate at any minute. However, even though times may be tough, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Second, life is too short to be miserable, make the best of what you have and always be grateful. Lastly, don't be selfish, there's always somebody who has it much worse. Try to put people's needs before your own and lend a helping hand. Overall, I think that a teaching career suits me because I have learned a lot of lessons that I could pass on to future generations. I have a passion for helping others, and I'm determined to broaden my knowledge of the teaching and education program here at Bloomsburg University.   
