Mrs. Allshouse's Math Site




Algebra II/Trig Honors

Syllabus 2018-2019.pdf

Final Review 2018.pdf

Graphing sine, cosine and tangent notes  Chapter 4 Section 5 notes.pdf
Graphs of tan, cot, sec, and csc notes handout.pdf

May 15 - Today we are working on a graded assignment.  Sophomores need to print it from here or come see me for a copy.  Chapter 5 Secs 1-3 WS.pdf

May 9 - Page 379, problems 7 and 13. Also, Page 387, problems 1-21 every other odd

May 3 - Intro to trig practice problems Answers.pdf  Chapter 4 Sections 1-4 Test on Tuesday May 7th

April 29 - Today we did application problems involving trig.  Please do the following practice problems. Pages 292-293, problems 79-89 odd and 101-107 odd

April 15 - Today we worked on chapter 4 section 4.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 318-319, problems 3, 5, 7, 11-14 all, 17, 21, 29-43 odd, 61, 63, 65-79 odd, 83, 85 Chapter 4 Section 4 notes.pdf

April 11 - Today we worked on a graded assignment on chapter 4 section 3

April 9 - Today we continued trig looking at chapter 4 section 3.  Please do the following practice problems. Pages 308-310, problems 1-57 every other odd, 63, 67       Chapter 4 Section 3 Notes.pdf

April 3 - Today we continued studying Trig.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 299-300, problems 1-51 odd.  Chapter 4 Section 2 notes.pdf

April 1 - Today we started learning about Trigonometry.  Here is a summary of the lesson. Chapter 4 Section 1 notes.pdf  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 290-292, problems 1-6 all, 7-51 every other odd, 79-89 odd

March 28 - Extra Practice Worksheet due Monday April 1st  Retest for Chapter 2 test after school today.

March 26 - Test on Chapter 3, Logs and Exponentials

March 22 - Today we reviewed for your test on logs and exponentials.  See March 18 for a copy of a review worksheet.  You can pick up your graded worksheet on Monday.  Practice problems you could use to study for the test are on pages 271-173, problems 7-26, 35, 36, 41-44, 49-58, 65-68, 71-94, 97-114, 119-130 

March 20 - Today we wrote inverses of logarithmic and exponential functions.

March 18 - Today we did a practice worksheet on Chapter 3 Sections 1-4  Chapter 3, sections 1 - 4 review worksheet.pdf

March 14 - Today we solved exponential and logarithmic equations.  Please do the following practice problems. Pages 253-254, problems 9-19 odd, 25-61 every other odd, 75-99 every other odd

March 8 - Today we graphed logarithmic functions and looked at the natural log, ln.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 236-237, problems 27-30 all, 33-37 odd, 39-44 all, 45-59 odd, 69, 71, 83-86 all.  There is also a graded worksheet from 3.1 due Tuesday March 12th

March 6 - Today we started looking at logarithmic functions.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 236-237, problems 1-15 odd, 17-22 all, 79-82 all

March 4 - Today we continued looking at exponentials and "e".  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 226-227, problems 7-1-, 17-20 (graph), 45-51 odd, 62, 74

March 1 - Today we began looking at exponentials.  No homework

Feb 25 - Review for Chapter 2 Test on Wednesday Feb 27th Chapter 2 Study Guide 2016-17.pdf
 Answers to Chapter 2 Review.pdf  

Feb 21 - Chapter 2 Section 6 pages 193-195, problems 5-11 odd, 13-16 all, 27-41 every other odd, 51-59 every other odd

Feb 19 - No homework

Feb 14 - Chapter 2 Section 4 pages 179-180, problems 1-23 odd, 37, 39, 41, 55-71 every other odd 

Feb 12 -  Worksheet on Complex numbers to be handed in for a grade.

Feb 8 - Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2 worksheet to be handed in for a grade.  Also, chapter 2 section 3 on long division and synthetic division, pages 159-160, problems 5-33 every other odd, 47-55 odd

Feb 6 - Chapter 2 Section 2 pages 148-149, problems 1-8, 15, 20, 21, 31, 33, 36, 41, 49, 53, 64, **55, 63 

Jan 28 - Graph f(x)=2x2-16x+28; give the axis of symmetry and vertex, graph using 5 points, and change to vertex form.  Page 135, number 46 write in vertex form then change to standard form. **Handed in for a grade**

Jan 24 - Chapter 2 Section 1 Pages 134-135, problems 1-8, 19, 22, 24, 27 (graph from standard form then put into vertex form), 43, 45, 47

Jan 22 - Today we worked on an extra practice worksheet.  This is due for a grade Wednesday Jan 30

Jan 11 and Jan 15 - We reviewed for the upcoming test on Chapter 1 Sections 6-9  Answers to Ch 1 Sec 6-9 review.pdf

Jan 9 - Today we worked on a practice worksheet for Chapter 1 Sections 6-8.  This is handed in for points.

Chapter 1 Part 2 Test will be Tuesday January 17th!  

Jan 7 - Today we learned about the inverse of a function.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 99-101, problems 9-12 all, 17, 19, 23, 39-77 odd

Jan 3 - Chapter 1 Section 8 Pages 89-90, problems 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13-25 odd, 31-41 odd, 47-51 odd

Dec 11 - Today we continued transformations of graphs.  Please do the following assignment.  Pages 79-81, problems 5 and 6 (c, g), 8, 23, 27, 41-49 odd

Dec 7 - Today we started looking at transformations of graphs.  Please do the following assignment.  Pages 79-81, problems 5 and 6 (no c or g), 19, 21, 25, 29-39 odd

Dec 5 - Today we went through all of the parent functions for graphing.  Please have them committed to your memory by Friday.  

Nov 29 - Study Guide for Chapter 1 Sections 1-5 exam:  Chapter 1 sections 1 - 5 Study Guide.pdf             

Answer Key Ch 1 Secs 1-5 Test Review.pdf

Nov 27 - Chapter 1 Section 5;  Pages 61-63, problems 1-4, 9-14, 15-23 odd, 63-69 odd, 115

**Retest for Algebra Concepts Part 2 is Monday Nov 19 immediately after school.**

Nov 16 - Today we worked on an in-class assignment on Chapter 1 Sections 1-3.  If you did not finish in class, please hand the worksheet in at the beginning of class on Tuesday Nov. 20th.   **Continue working on test corrections as well.** 

Nov 14 - We finished section 4 today.  Please do the following problems:  Pages 49-50, 13-71 every other odd

Nov 12 - We began Chapter 1 Section 4 before we lost power.  Please do the following problems:  Page 48, problems 1-10 all

Nov 8 - Today we went over Chapter 1 Section 3.  Please continue to work on the assignment from Tues. 11/6.  Also, please work on Test corrections. Both of these should be done for class Monday Nov 12.  

Nov 6 - I was not in school today.  This is what you did in class.  Read Chapter 1 Sec 3 on pages 25-33.  This is mostly Algebra 1 review of linear equations.  Work on the following assignment:  Pages 34-37, problems 1-27odd, 39-75 every other odd, 95, 97, and 105.  We will go over all of the material in class Thursday.

Nov 1 - Chapter 1 Sections 1 & 2 Worksheet to be handed in for points.

Oct 30 - Chapter 1 Section 2 Graphs of Equations pages 22-23, problems 9-19 odd, 21-24 all, 25-31 odd, 47, 51, 53, 57-69 odd

Oct 26 - Chapter  1 Section 1 Rectangular Coordinates pages 9-10, problems 11-20 all, 32, 36, 38, 42, 54, 81-88

Oct 24 - Test 2 on Appendix Topics

Oct 17 - Practice Problems for Appendix Test 2.pdf   Appendix Review Problems Answers.pdf
Test is Wed Oct. 24th

Oct 9 - Complete the worksheet on equation solving.  **Handed in for points**

Oct 5 - Page A57, problems 65, 77, 81, 83-91 odd, 97, 111, 115, 129, 133

Oct 3 - Pages A56-A58, problems 17-27 odd, 45, 47, 157-169 odd, 179-183 odd

Oct 1 - Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials Worksheet  *handed in for points*

Sept 27 - Pages A32-A33, problems 91-191 every other odd

Sept 25 - Pages A31-A32, problems 29-81 every other odd, 83

Sept 21 - Exponent and Radical Test

Sept 10 - Page A22, problems 87-101 odd

Sept 6 - Page A21, problems 61-81 odd

