- Your child’s library day:
- Day 1: Mrs. Gessner
- Day 2: Mr. Hauer
- Day 3: Mrs. Rodriguez
- Day 4: Mrs. Sharrow
- Day 5: Mrs. Singley
- Day 6: No Library classes (Mrs. B at HS)
- BORROWING: Your child will be allowed to borrow one book each week, which should be returned to school on the next library day, in the yellow bag labeled with your child’s name. Please keep the book in the yellow bag while it is visiting your home and not being read-- it is VERY easy for library books to try to live with your other books!
- RENEWING: If your child would like to keep a book for another week, one renewal is allowed. He or she can simply let me know on library day that he/she would like to bring the book back the following week.
- FORGOTTEN BOOK: If your child forgets his/her book on library day, he/she will be allowed to reserve a new book to pick up the next day when he/she returns the previous one. If a book seems to be lost, please contact me as soon as possible so we can look for it at school, too!
- DAMAGE: Please keep books away from water, pets, babies, food, mud, etc. If that doesn’t work out, and the book gets damaged, please let me know as soon as possible so I can let you know how much it will cost to replace the book.
- CONTACT INFO: If you need to contact me for any reason, it is easiest to reach me by email, as I do travel between the two buildings- aburrell@scasd.us . If you must reach me by phone, please call my elementary school number 570-356-3423 and leave a message for me to return as soon as possible.
- FACEBOOK: Please also check out our Facebook page-- G.C. Hartman Elementary Library!
Please keep an eye on my webpage http://websites.pdesas.org/aburrell/default.aspx . I will be adding resources throughout the year and keeping you posted on what your child is learning in the library!