Mrs. Edwards' Class & Homework Site







 Starting Portraits


Students should have the following complete by 2/6 and 2/7

- pencil studies of facial features: students should have a study of their nose, mouth, one ear and both eyes. These should be completed in their sketchbooks. 


The following should be completed by 2/11 and 2/12

- Students should complete painted studies of their facial features using the colors they see in their individual skintones. Students should study their faces to see what undertones they see in their faces in order to include highlight colors, shaded areas and a base skin tone color in their studies. 

- Studies should include an eye, nose, ear, and mouth all done in acrylic


Homework assigned 2/7 and 2/8

-Students should finish their studies over the weekend if they haven't completed them this week. 

- Students will need to take a photograph of themselves to use for their portraits. Pictures should be clear so the student can see their features well. Students should have a picture chosen to print for the following class.

- Students will also need to complete a critique of their reproduced paintings. The following questions should be answered:

                What do you find you did successfully in your painting?

                Do you feel that you matched the colors and brushstrokes well in the piece? 

                What was challenging for you in your painting? What could you have done differently?




