Mrs. Allshouse's Math Site




Standard Level IB

Syllabus 2018-2019.pdf

Mathematics SL formula booklet (1).pdf
Mathematics SL guide (2).pdf 

4/12  Today we worked on practice IB problems involving vectors.  This is being handed in for a grade.

4/10  Today we applied many of the concepts of vectors into 3-dimensional space.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 417-418, problems 1b, 2b, 5a, 6a, 7, 8c, 10a, 11a  and pages 421-422, problems 1(b,e), 2c, 4c, 5a, 10, 14, 15, 18b

4/8 8.3 pages 268-270, problems 1, 2, 4b, 5, 7, 10, 12  and  8.4 page 274, problems 1(a,b), 2(a,b,e), 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 8, 11

3/15  We continued to work on Areas.  Answer Key Area Problems.pdf

3/13 We continued to work on Areas.  Please do the following problems in the Blue SL book.  Page 505; 3,6,8 and Pages 514-517; Practice Problems 1,3,7,9

3/7  Today we did integration using 'u' substitution. Practice problems are on pages 304-305 in the calc book, problems 7-33 odd, 43-55 odd, 63-69 odd.

3/5  Today we did basic integration.  

2/26  Today we looked at optimization problems.  Please do problems 1-7 on pages 474-475

2/20  Today we looked at concavity, points of inflection and the 2nd derivative test.  Please do the following for practice.  Pages 402-403 in the Blue SL book, problems 1, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21

2/18  Today we looked at extrema and the first derivative test.  Please do the following for practice.  Pages 169-170, problems 1, 5, 13, 17, 19-39 every other odd

1/29  Today we looked at related rates.  Please do the following for practice.  Pages 154-155, problems 1, 5, 15, 19, 25, 27

1/25  Today we worked on implicit differentiation.  Please do the following practice problems. Pages  146-147, problems 5, 13, 25, 31, 33, 37, 45, 49

1/23  Please read chapter 2 section 5 on pages 141-145 in the calc book about implicit differentiation before class on Friday.  Sample problem packet on Probability and Statistics.  This is due Tuesday Jan 29th.  

1/18  Today we did an in class assignment on derivatives. 

1/16  Today we talked about interpretting derivatives and higher order derivatives.  Please do the following practice problems.  Page 117, problems 93, 95 and Pages 127-129, problems 87, 93, 95, 97, 115, 117

1/14  Today we worked on The Chain Rule.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 137-138, problems 9, 15, 19, 27, 29, 47, 51, 57, 67, 71  

1/10  Today we worked on practice IB problems.  These are due on Wednesday Jan. 16th.

1/8  Today we learned many rules for derivatives.  Please do the following practice problems.  Page 115, problems 7, 9, 17, 19, 33, 35, 41, 51  and  Pages 126-127, problems 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17, 27, 29, 33, 39, 45, 53, 79

IA Rough Drafts are due Tuesday January 8th

1/4  Today we found derivatives using the definition.  Please do the following practice problems.  Page 104, problems 7, 17, 21, 23, 33, 35

12/17  Practice problems for your limits exam can be found in the following places.  In the blue SL book:  pages 372-373, all problems or in the gold calculus book: pages 91-92, problems 3, 5, 11-27 odd, 31-47 odd, 51-67 odd.  Your exam is on Wednesday 12/19! 

12/10  Today I discussed with you, individually, your futher research for the IA.  While that was happening you should have read 1.5 on pages 83-87about vertical asymptotes and infinite limits.  Also, try problems 1-47 on page 88.

12/6  Read 1.4 on pages 70-71 about continuity at a point and an open interval, page 73 continuity on a closed interval, and pages 75-76 properties of continuity.  Try problems 25-51 odd, 61 and 63 on pages 79-80.

12/4  In class assignment on Limits

11/28  Today we started Calculus!  We talked about limits.  Please do the following from the Calculus book.  1.2 Pages 54-55, problems 1, 5, 9-23 odd, and 1.3 Pages 67-68, problems 5-39 odd

11/19 and 11/21  We worked on IB sample problems.

11/15  Probability distribution exam.

11/13  Today we continued to prepare for our probability distribution exam.  This exam will take place on Thursday November 15th.  

**Further research for you IA is due Monday 11/19**

11/9  Today we worked on Chapter 15 Section 3 Normal Distribution pages 553-555, problems 1-17  

11/7  Today we worked on sample IB problems involving trig.  This is handed in for points.

11/2  Chapter 15 Section 2 Binomial Distribution pages 539-540, problems 2, 6, 10 and page 534, problem 15.

10/31  Chapter 15 Section 1 Probability Distribution page532, problems 3, 5, 6

10/29  Statistics exam

10/23  Please read 9.4 on pages 307-322.  Also, do the following problems.  Pages 316-317; problem 2 and pages 322-324;  2, 3, 4

10/16  Today we talked about interquartile range and measures of non-central tendency.  Please complete number 9 on page 307.

10/12  Today we did a graded in-class assignment which is due at the beginning of class on 10/16.

10/10  Today we talked about variance and standard deviation.  Please complete problems 1-3 on pages 324-325

10/8  From you homework on Page 287, find the mean, median and mode of problem 8.  Also, do the following problems.  Pages 305-306, problems 1, 2, 5, 6

10/4  We ended up having a fairly long discussion on Trig problems.  Therefore we only talked briefly about cumulative frequency tables and line graphs.  Please read pages 283-285 and do problem8 on page 287.

10/2 Junior class retreat.  Seniors worked on extra practice and test corrections.

9/28  Relative frequency tables and Historgrams  Pages 285-286, problems 1, 3, 4, 7a  Continue working on the extra practice as well.

9/26  example09.pdf  Please read the sample IA as grade it according to the rubric. Begin thinking about your topic for your IA.  Also, complete the extra practice and hand it in by Thursday October 4th.

9/24  Probability Test

Sept 13 - Answers to Conditional Probability Problems.pdf
