NWLSD Technology Links
Class Tools This is a free site created by teachers, for teachers. It includes FABULOUS tools for creating interactives and for getting students involved in your lessons. These work very will on your interactive whiteboards, too.
Hitachi StarBoard Resources Download activities designed specifically for the StarBoard. These are very British in nature, but there are some resources here worth examining. Note: You need the newest version of StarBoard software installed on your computer in order to use the resources.
Promethean Planet Lesson plans for all curricular areas, K-12, to help you get the most from your Promethean Board. Also check out the Promethean Planet Community for an exchange of ideas.
Triptoco:Whiteboard Resources Add fun interactives to your whiteboard lessons. There's a spinner, word magnets, card games, and more.
Teachers Love Smart Boards Activities and tips added monthly. Great for seasonal and holiday themed activities.
Learning Today Interactive Whiteboard Lessons While full access to the site is subscription-only, this site also hosts a variety of free resouces, including a library of interactive whiteboard resources for students in grades K-5.
I Love Smart Boards! Looking for free simulations to use with your Smart Board? This blog site is devoted to the sharing of resources and professional development on the use of the Smart Board. Also includes loads of links to lots of Google videos showing uses of the Smart Board in education.
PolyVision: Bring Learning to Life Site devoted specifically to the Interactive boards in use in our High school, purchased with the CFF grant. Go to the Teacher Wiki to view and share activities, tips, and curricular connections.
RM Education and Easyteach Website Software to support the Polyvision SmartBoard. 100,000+ resources for teachers and students in grades K-12.
Interactive Whiteboard Revolution This is a ning, a site designed for the exchange of ideas and debate. You can browse the site, or sign up and sign in to participate in the conversation.
Library of Virtual Manipulatives (MATH) This resource appears on the Mathematics page on this website, but its application for interactive whiteboards is so exceptional that it is also included here for your reference. Whatever level of Math you teach, K-20, you'll find powerful simulations, models, and manipulatives here!!!
Activity Search from Education Place
Links to lots of activities by topic/theme.
BBC Schools
Lots of great activities. There are many learning games.
Birmingham Grid for Learning
Explore lots of great interactive activities from many content areas. Many of these activities include audio elements. These are aligned with UK standards.
Interactive, online exhibits on topics such as Amusement Park Physics, Ancient Civilizations, and the Middle Ages.
The Learning Box
Interactive activities on many topics.
Math 1-2-3 X-Y-Z Interactives to help you teach students math concepts from Basic Skills to Calculus on your interactive whiteboard.
Lots of games learning and fun games based on PBS characters.
Many activities such as WayBack US History.
Read Write Think: Student Materials
Lots of interactive tools for reading, writing, and thnking.
Scholastic Online Activities
Contains a mixture of activity types including collaborative, online projects.
Sesame Street
Over 100 games for young children.
ThinkPort from Maryland Public Television
Explore their Online Field Trips of interactive activities.
Interactives from WICKED
Lots of fun activities for kids
10 Great Art Sites for Interactive Whiteboards
Interactive Websites for MS/HS Math: