Mr. Yescavage

Trout in the Classroom (TIC)
The Lehighton Area Middle School science department has partnered with Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to bring the "Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom" program to our students.
Students will be guided through the process of hatching brook trout eggs and raising them for release into an approved Pennsylvania waterway. 
Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an interdisciplinary program that introduces coldwater conservation education in Pennsylvania schools by raising brook trout, a native coldwater species.
November 8th, 2018 - New Egg arrivals. 2nd year with TIC
11-8-18 Ist full day.jpg
Trout Feeding 3-20-18.mp4 Lehighton Area Middle School Video
11-28-17 day 28 2.jpg                              Trout 2-5-18.mp4

Classroom Objectives
Students will:
1. Raise brook trout by observing and monitoring a coldwater ecosystem in a classroom aquarium.
2. Identify stages of the brook trout lifecycle.
3. Recognize brook trout as "indicator species" for healthy coldwater streams.
4. Describe conditions needed for brook trout survival in your classroom aquarium and in nature.
The Lehighton Area Middle School science department received 360 brook trout eggs on October 31st and began the process of incubation and hatching. In nature 1% to 2% of the brook trout eggs will make it to the fingerling stage (a young fish 1 to 3" in length).

Egg Shipment and arrival dates: (The TIC shipment date is tentatively scheduled for the following date. The TIC egg shipment date is determined by the date our Brook Trout are ready to spawn.  An email, confirming the egg shipment date, will be sent the second full week in October 2017. )
Shipment date (TENTATIVE)
October 30TH  OR November 7th
Arrival at your school (TENTATIVE)
October 31st/Nov 1st  OR November 8th/9th
Someone is present to receive the brook trout eggs
Office and co-workers are aware of your special package and what to do with it when it arrives.
Videos to share with your students:
TIC egg spawning, preparation and packing videos; supporting PDF document
PDF document
STAGE 1: Benner Spring State Fish Hatchery Located in State College, Pennsylvania, Benner Spring State Fish Hatchery is the source of Pennsylvania’s TIC

TIC trout spawning, egg packing videos & PDF document about the process
How do your trout get to your classroom? (Document) Trout Spawning; Egg Packing
Aquarium Set-up videos (created using PA TIC equipment)
updates & news; getting started; funding sources; yearly forms; tic staff ... aquarium set-up videos

NOTE: The new TradeWind Chillers DO NOT require a glass tube for the chiller sensor.  It is NO LONGER needed.  Just place the sensor at the opposite end of the aquarium.  You can use duct tape to secure the sensor on the aquarium.
Lesson plans
  • SURVIVAL PYRAMID(s) ( A great visual to showcase to the entire school on a bulletin board, in your classroom etc.  It is also a great way to continue to connect your students to the natural survival.  )– SEE ATTACHED

Day 1 - Trout eggs arrive - October 31, 2017
10-31-17 (2).jpeg
Day 1 - Trout eggs released into egg basket October 31, 2017 and hatched within 2 days. Eggs sacs are attached and will provide food for several weeks. They are called alevins at this stage.
11-1-17 day 2.JPG
11-13-17 day 13.jpg
The eggs sacs are shrinking as the brook trout develop.
 11-20-17 day 20.jpg
Day 28 - Trout released into tank. The tank is 55 gallons and is kept at 54 degrees farenheit. They are called fry at this stage.
11-22-17 1st bottum up stage.jpg
11-28-17 release to tank (day 28).jpg

 Day 28 - Trout released into tank11-28-17 day 28.jpg



Trout 2-5-18.mp4

 click on the above link to see video

February 14, 2018: Additional 56 trout introduced to the tank.

