NWLSD Technology Links

World Languages

Yabla Yabla language immersion sites give you authentic television, music videos, drama, interviews, travel, and Yabla exclusive shoots from throughout the world. Their unique player technology is designed with language learners in mind: Slow Play, Integrated Dictionaries, Listening Game, Dual Language Subtitles, and more.

Voki Voki allows you to choose an avatar and then to record your speech.  Your avatar will then "speak" for you.  Voki avatars are embeddable in social networking sites, on webpages and wikis, and in blackboard.com.

Xtranormal This is a text-to-movie tool.  That means that you can choose a scenario and whether you want one actor or two to appear in your movie.  Then, type in your speech (the dialogue) and tool does the rest...it creates a movie using your dialogue.

Blabberize Move over, Harry Potter!  With blabberize you make the person in any photo speak in 30 seconds or less.  Choose a photo, place a "mouth", and record your speech.  That's it! 
