Mrs. Allshouse's Math Site




Geometry Pre-IB

Syllabus 2018-2019.pdf


Final Exam Topics.pdf
Formula Sheet for the Final.pdf

5/6  Today we looked at areas involving circles.  This completed the chapter.  Please do the following practice problems on pages 577-579, problems 1-27 odd, 35-37 all.  The test will take place on Friday 5/10.

5/2  Today we worked on Chapter 10 Section 6.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 569-573, problems 1-7 odd, 9-14 all, 15-39 odd, 42-47 all, 52, 53, 63, 65, 72

4/16  Today we used trig to find areas.  Please do the following practice problems.  10-4 pages 555-557, problems 1-21 odd, 27, 31, and 10-5 pages 561-562, problems 1-15 odd, 21-25 odd, 28-32 all

4/12  Today we worked on a graded assignment on chapter 10 sections 1-3

4/10  We continued on in chapter 10. Please do the following practice problems.  10-2 on pages 542-544, problems 1-31 odd and 10-3 on pages 548-549, problems 1-21 odd, 31, 33

4/8  Today we started Chapter 10. Please do the following practice problems. Pages 536-538, problems 1-11 all, 17-27 odd, 31, 34-37 all, 39

4/4  Algebra Extra Practice due Wednesday April 10

4/2 Chapter 8 Test

3/29  Review for Chapter 8 Test:  Chapter Review Pages 461-463, Chapter Test Page 464, Extra Practice Pages 730-731

3/27  Today we finished learning about vectors.  Worksheet on vectors due for a grade.

3/15  Today we looked at tangent, cosine and sine (chapter 8 sections 3 and 4).  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 434-436, problems 1-19 odd, 27-29 all, 35-43 odd  and  Pages 441-442, problems 1-15 odd, 22-24 all

3/13  Chapter 8 Sections 1 and 2, Pages 420-422, problems 1-17 odd, 18-20 all, 21-25 odd, 27-29 all, 37, 45 and Pages 428-429, problems 1-15 odd, 17-22 all

3/7  Chapter 7 Test Review  Chapter 7 Test Review.pdf

3/5  Chapter 7 Section 5, pages 400-402, problems 1-35 odd

2/28  Chapter 7 Section 4, pages 394-395, problems 1-7 odd, 9-14 all, 15-19 odd, 27-33 odd, 34-36, 49-51

2/22  Graded assignment on Chapter 7 Sections 1 and 2

2/20  Chapter 7 Section 1 pages 368-370, problems 1-20, 30-33, 35-42, 45-47, 59-61 and Section 2 pages 375-377, problems 1-16, 21-28, 34-39

2/18  Chapter 6 Test

2/13  Chapter 6 Test Review.pdf

2/11 Chapter 6 Section 5 Trapezoids and Kites  Pages 338-340, problems 8-16 all, 20-28 all, 31-36 all and the midsegment (median) of trapezoid worksheet

2/7  Chapter 6 Section 4 Special Parallelograms  Pages 332-335, problems 1-18, 25-37, 44-46, 50-53, 60-62

2/5  Chapter 6 Section 3 Proving that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, Pages 324- 326, problems 1-9 all, 14-18 all, 20-23 all.  Also, ch 6 sec 3 worksheet.

1/29  Today we did a worksheet that was handed in for a grade.  We also started looking at proofs again.  Please do the following 2 proofs on page 317, numbers 43 and 49

1/25  Today we started chapter 6.  Please do the following practice problems. Section 1 pages 308-310, problems 1-9 all, 13-25 odd, 36-41 all and Section 2 pages 315-317, problems 1-17 odd, 21-30 all, 37, 39, 45, 47

1/23  Chapter 5 Test

1/18  Today we reviewed for our chapter 5 test.  

1/16  Today we looked at Chapter 5 Section 4.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 292-294, problems 1-3, 5-27 odd, 35-37

1/14  Today was a work day.  The worksheets for chapter 5 sections 1-3 are due to be graded.

1/10  Today we looked at Chapter 5 Section 3.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 275-277, problems 1, 5, 8-16, 19-22, 28

1/8  Today we looked at Chapter 5 Sections 1 and 2.  Please do the following practice problems.  Pages 262-263, problems 1-35 odd, and 26.  Also, Pages 267-269, problems 1-4 all, 8-25 all (skip 17), 28-30, 35, 39

1/4  Today we worked on "Line Designs".  These are due Thursday 1/10

12/17  Practice problems for your chapter 4 test:  Chapter Review, pages 249-251; Chapter test, page 252; and Extra Practice, pages 722-723.  Your chapter 4 test is on Wednesday 12/19!

12/10  Chapter 4 Section 7 pages 244-245, problems 4-6, 9, 11, 17, 21, 25

12/6  Chapter 4 Section 6 HL pages 237-239, problems 1-4, 6-8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21

12/4  Triangular Swan Worksheet - handed in for points

11/28  Today we used CPCTC in proofs.  Please work on the following proofs.  Pages 222-225, problems 2, 3, 6-11, 15, 16, 18-21

11/19 & 21  Chapter 4 Sections 2 & 3 Worksheet to be handed in.

11/15  Today we worked on Chapter 4 section3;  proving triangles congruent using ASA and AAS.  Please do the following assignment.  Pages 216-217, problems 6, 7, 11, 12, 13-16, 20-23, 25

11/13  Today we worked on Chapter 4 section2; proving triangles congruent using SSS and SAS.  Please do the following assignment.  Pages 208-210, problems 2-9, 18, 20-30, 38-41

11/9  Today we started Chapter 4.  Please work on Pages 200-202, problems 3-35 all, 38-41 all, 44

11/7  Chapter 3 Test

11/2  Review for Chapter 3 Test

10/31  In the orange pre-calc book:  pages 34-35, problems 1-27 odd, 39-67 every other odd, 69-75 odd

10/29  Chapter 3 section 5 pages 161-163, problems 1-21 odd, 24, 25, 34, 35, 40, 42, 44, 47-49

10/25  In class assignment on chapter 3 sections 1-4

10/23  Chapter 3 section 3 pages 143-144, problems 4-10, 14-21 and Section 4 pages 150-151, problems 1-6, 18-26.  Also, please make corrections to your algebra extra practice.  The corrections are due Monday Oct 29th

10/16  Today we began Chapter 3.  Please do the following assignment from section 1.  Pages 131-132, problems 5-25 all, 28, 30

10/10  Chapter 2 Test

10/8  We reviewed for the Chapter 2 Test.  Places for more practice:  Chapter Review on pages 117-119, Chapter Test on page 120, and Chapter 2 Extra Practice on pages 718-719.

10/4  Pages 112-115, problems 1-6, 12-13, 16-18, 21, 23-28, 30-32

10/2  2-4 Worksheet and Pages 105-107, problems 1-31 all

9/28  Algebra extra practice worksheet due Thursday 10/4

9/26  Chapter 2 Section 3, Pages 96-98, problems 1-15 odd, 16-21 all, 23, 25, 27-31 all

9/24 Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2 Worksheet *to be handed in for points*

9/20 Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2, Pages 83-83, problems 3-31 odd, 41-46 all, 48-51 all  and Page 90, problems 1-6 all, 13-17 all

9/11 Chapter 1 Test

9/7  Chapter 1 Practice Test

9/5  Chapter 1 Section 5 Pages 33-34, problems 1-19 odd, 29-36 all and Chapter 1 Section 6 Pages 40-42, problems 13-23 odd, 24-32 all, 43, 45, 48

8/29  Chapter 1 Section 3 Pages 19-21, problems 1-10 all, 11-43 odd, 55-60 all and Chapter 1 Section 4 Pages 25-26, problems 1-33 all, skip 24

8/27  Chapter 1 Section 1 Pages 6-7, Problems 1-45 odd, skip 13, 15, 37, 39

