All Things Chemical and Physical

Chapter 1 Syllabus: Physics

Chapter Uno:  Introduction- Measurements, Coordinate Systems and Trigonometry

Day     Date                            Topic(s)                                  Reading          Homework

 A        9/7                   Who Would’ve Thunk It?

 B        9/8                   The Mystery of Trigonometry 13-16               35,37,39

                                    Coordinate Systems   

 C        9/9                   Trigonometry Review                         13-16               41,3,45, wkst

 D        9/10                 More Trig/Help Day                                                    HW collected

 E         9/13                 LAB: You Can’t Get There From Here                      lab paper

 F         9/14                 Trig Quiz                                                                     quiz

                                    **Here the syllabus my change depending upon our progress                      

A         9/15                 Measurements and Standards             1- 4                  CQ: 2,3,9,11

                                    **Take-Home Test given

 B        9/16                 Dimensional Analysis &                     5- 9                  P: 1,3,5,7,9,11

                                    Significant Digits                                                             13

 C        9/17                 Conversions & Approximations          9- 13                15,17,21,23,25

 E         9/20                 Help Day

 F         9/21                 Test
