Welcome to Ms. Brittany Harris' Website!





  • https://wordpress.org/
  • I would use this website as a class blog just like we use in this class. I think it is very important to have a board or blog where all of the students are able to interact. I also like how they can post things for each other to see like videos and presentations. This is a free website which is great and this site also lets you create a website or app. Overall this would be a great way to post assignments or resources for all of the students to see.


  • http://edublogs.org/features/
  • This is just like the wordpress website, it is actually powered by wordpress but I would use this like an online class blog as well. There is a free version then paid features from there. I would buy the Pro version because I like how it is 10 GB and you are able to use your own domain. This site is mobile friendly which is great for online learning as most students will be using their mobile devices to complete the class. I would use this as an assignments page and a place for students to post videos and something about themselves.


  • http://www.wikispaces.com/content/classroom/about
  • This website is an educational writing platform so I would use this as like an online classroom. The students are able to communicate and even work in groups with this program. I would have them complete assignments and work in groups for projects on here and they are able to talk to each other and ask questions. It is free for both teachers and students which is great and the teacher is able to look at each students participation in the projects. They can also look in real time which is great because then you can contact them personally and explain what you are seeing.


  • http://www.epals.com/#/connections
  • This i a website where you can connect with different educators and students around the world. For my online class I would have students find different lessons and comment what they like and dislike about them. I would then have my students create their own lesson to post. The children in the class would look at each others and learn the different lessons and comment what they did well. I think it would be a great way to learn and create something at the same time and they would be able to gather ideas because there are many ways to narrow down what you are looking for.


  • http://www.onlinecollege.org/2011/08/24/twitter-and-your-online-class/
  • This website shows different ways twitter could be used in the classroom. For an online class, twitter would be a great way to introduce yourself. All of the students can find each other and follow one another. The teacher can post different mind math problems daily and have the students comment their responses and even make a game out of it by seeing who the top three comments are and they would win. The teacher can also have them follow different math groups and math teachers/professors and just keep up with what's going on.


  • http://www.edutopia.org/blog/teaching-with-google-plus-terry-heick
  • There are many different pros to using google+ in an online class. I would use the hangouts, circles, and stream feature.  The hangouts option lets you have up to 10 people audio or face conversations over the computer at the same time which is a great way to talk about projects. The circles feature lets you group different people together which would be great for assigning group work or projects so the students would get to meet new people every time. Lastly the stream option if to let everyone know what's going on and i would use this to post different projects and assignments.


  • https://dcs.rutgers.edu/dcs-faculty-resources/classroom-technology-blog/youtube-in-the-classroom
  • I love youtube and there are so many different ways it can be used in an online class. I would use this for the students to look up different math educational videos to share with that class and I can make an ongoing resources page. What ever topic we are on that week I would have the students look up helpful videos and post them on the class blog page. Other than that I would have them post small videos about themselves and I can also do an assignment where they create their own mini lessons and post a video of them teaching the lesson for all of the other students to see.


  • http://www.onlinecollege.org/2009/10/20/100-ways-you-should-be-using-facebook-in-your-classroom/
  • Facebook can be used in so many more ways than you think. I would use facebook in my online class for a couple different things like creating polls, a class page and encouraging group communication. I can also post the math solutions to the homework on the page so the students can reference it. It is also nice because the students profiles will have information about them and that way the other kids in the class can see what they look like and maybe even start messaging and become friends. I can also post different event for the kids to go to either educational or social if they wanted to all meet one day.


  • https://www.linkedin.com/about-us?trk=uno-reg-guest-home-about
  • Linkedin is a website where you create an account to post your own information as well as view others. In my online class I have have the students create their own linkedin page and follow mine. They would be able to see all of the assignments news and update in the class. I can have them complete some assignments on here and share them with the different children in the class. I like this because you get to have your own page and everyone else in the class will be able to see.


  • http://mashupmath.com/blog/2015/9/29/7-steps-for-using-instagram-with-your-students
  • Instargram would be a great tool to use in a middle school or high school classroom because so many students at the age level use it. If I were to use this in my online class I would make myself a class page. I would allow the students to follow my page but I would not follow them back because I would want the page for educational purposes only. I would post photos of homework or daily problems and the students would be able to comment below. They can answer each others questions and I would be able to give them positive feedback. The students would also be allowed to post photos of questions to start different discussions.


  • http://www.teachthought.com/the-future-of-learning/technology/37-ways-teachers-can-use-pinterest-in-the-classroom/
  • I personally love pinterest and there are millions of ideas on the website. I would want to use this is a regular classroom because the students would be able to pin decoration ideas and project ideas. I would create an account and have them share their pins with my board and we would make a big class board. They would be able to pin different math projects and math ideas and we would share them with the class and have a vote to see which one everyone wants to do. I would mainly use this for finding new and crafty ideas to incorporate into math and the classroom.


  • http://edtechreview.in/trends-insights/insights/1504-5-ways-for-teachers-to-use-tumblr-in-their-classroom
  • I am not very familiar with this social media site but it look like it has a lot of potential. I was reading on the website that I found that you can post notes, put reminders, and even start class discussions. I would create a page and have all of my students follow it and I would post homework and even random math quotes and posts just to keep things interesting. The students would be able to see everything at any time of day and I could even post questions and reminders that the students would be able to respond to whenever they wanted.


  • http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/03/29/467091289/how-teachers-are-using-snapchat
  • I use snapchat all of the time but I never really thought it could be used for education. I was reading this article and it had a couple good ideas. I would have all of my students follow my class snapchat and I would post stories. I would take what we are learning in class and apply it to real life. For example, say we are learning about inclines and I take a picture of a mountain or hill and write in the formulas on the picture and post it to the stories. They would remember that picture and think of the formula, also I would post a big story right before an exam so when they are studying they would be able to look at the story.


  • https://www.skype.com/en/meetings/
  • I have used skype plenty of times before and I think it would be great for the online classroom. We could make one or two days a week skype days at different times and we would be able to talk to one another. I could hold office hours and I would be guaranteed to be there at the times posted. I could also have my students video chat each other for class projects and collaboration. I like the idea of having the students actually seeing what each other look like and being able to talk to them face to face.


  • https://www.blogger.com/home
  • I like blogger and we used it once before in one of the minor classes. I think it is very easy to use and helpful. I would use this in the online class to post problems of the day and have the students answer in the comment section below. I can also use it as a competition to see who gets the right answer first which would make more people want to participate because I made it into a game. I can also have class discussions on there and make the website look pretty and organized.


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