Transitioning from School to Post-School

Financial Aid

Financial Aid for College or Further Education


Even if you don't think you will be eligible for Financial Aid, individuals should complete the application for Financial Aid at the link below.  Financial Aid applications should be done ASAP after January 1st, if parents' taxes are not done yet, students can use last year's data to complete the application.  If they do not appy for financial aid, they may jeopardize many other forms of aid available, including financial assistance through OVR or at the school or college. 


FAFSA  (The Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

The FAFSA form can often be overwhelming. It is important to gather the information necessary and allow yourself some time to complete the form.  Should you make mistakes you will need to go back into the form on the computer and make corrections. Remember to keep track of your pin number that is provided when you complete the application.

It is suggested that you check with your high school, employer, and community for other sources of assistance for school.  Grants or scholarships do not need to be repaid, but loans will need to be repaid if you decide to take a loan out to help pay for school.
