Mr. Wolfe's Site

Home Page

Welcome Parents & Students!

       This year I will be teaching General Physical Science and 11th Grade Biology in Room 228 at the High School.  Below you can download this year's course outline for your son or daughter's class. 

     My email address:            

      Since we are starting virtual this year, our learning platform will be Google Classroom.  Each week, I will post the weekly learning activities in the "class stream".  In the "Classwork" section, I will post the notes, Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Documents, You-Tube Videos, Website and all of the resources you will need to complete each unit of study. 


Physical Science codes for Google Classrooms:

Period 9 2tj3bn4


11th Grade Biology codes for Google Classrooms are:

Period 1 7cg7rf7

Period 2  pfkt3zm

 Period 3  xftkzwv

Period 7 yt26b44

Period 8 ejmdcdy

