Ms. Corson's English Website


EXPECTATIONS for you and for me

 I expect…

            you to come to class prepared.

 Prepared means…

            with a pencil or pen,

            your notebook,

            your correct textbooks,

            any materials that we are using for class.

 I expect…

            you to do your homework.

 I expect…

            you to take care of your books.

 I expect…

            you to behave appropriately in class.

 I expect…

            you to participate in class discussions.

 I expect…

            you to be respectful to your classmates at all times.

 I expect…

            you to think.

 I expect…

            you to ask questions when you do not understand.


You can expect…

            me to be prepared for class.

You can expect…

             your tests and quizzes to be graded for the next class period.

 You can expect…

              to be able to have an accurate idea of where your grade stands.

 You can expect…

            me to provide a classroom environment that is structured for learning and focus.

 You can expect…

            a safe place to share your thoughts and opinions.

 You can expect…

            respect from me.

 You can expect…

            me to challenge you to think about what you have read.

 You can expect…

            answers* to your questions.

 *Warning:  Sometimes the answer to your question will be another question.

