Transitioning from School to Post-School

Recreation, Leisure, Volunteer Activities

Recreation, Leisure, Volunteer

Actively participating in our community is an important part of living independently. When we leave high school, sometimes we lose an important part of social involvement and involvement in activities.  The Snyder, Union and Northumberland Counties offer a variety of ways to stay active and involved in recreational, leisure, and volunteer activities. 



Socialization Opportunities

Roads to Freedom: Center for Independent Living:  (Williamsport Based)

  • Autism Support/Socialization Group. (Specific for NorthCentral PA).
  • An accessible Fitness Center to consumers looking to increase their general wellness.  All consumers who desire to utilize the fitness center are required to have their physician sign off on a medical clearance.  A Fitness
    trainer is available  for assistance and possible one-on-one training for ROM (Range of Motion) to consumers eligible under one of the following waivers: CommCare, Obra, Independence, ACT 150, MA, PDA, Adult Autism

Donald Heiter Community Center, (Lewisburg, PA)
