05/30 |
- Complete the "Using Solubility Data to Solve Problems" packet all except for #9 of the fill in the blank. Be sure to show all of your work for the concentration (p(t)=d*t) and molarity problems. You can put your work in the packet if you'd like or you can do those problems on loose-leaf.
- We will be wrapping up the notes on solutions, acids, and bases next class!
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2 (See topics & resources below!)
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
Final Exam Part Two Resources
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI-MPS Pre-IB/H Final Exam Part 2 Topics
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
05/28 |
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Wednesday, May 29th -- Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2 (See topics & resources below!)
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
Final Exam Part Two Resources
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI-MPS Pre-IB/H Final Exam Part 2 Topics
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
05/23 |
- Complete the Unit 10 Exam Review Sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before the exam on Tuesday.
- McAuley's: Class on Tuesday ends at 9:22AM.
- For extra stoichiometry problems click here! For the answer key, click here! Let me know if you have any questions!
- There will be an optional review session for the 2nd half of the final exam on Wednesday, May 29th after school. It will start around 3:15PM and go no later than 4:30PM.
Unit 10 Exam
Tuesday, May 28th
Chemical Reactions
Indicators of Chemical Reactions
Chemical Equations
Law of Conservation of Mass
Balancing Chemical Equations
Types of Reactions
Rates of Reactions
Energy in Reactions
Mole-Mole Ratio
Displacement Reactions Formal Lab (not on exam)
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Wednesday, May 29th -- Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2 (See topics & resources below!)
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
Final Exam Part Two Resources
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI-MPS Pre-IB/H Final Exam Part 2 Topics
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
05/21 |
- Complete both sides of the "Balancing Equations Worksheet #5" on loose-leaf. Be sure to show your balancing work, include the states of matter where they are listed in the problem. Don't forget to criss-cross (mentally or on paper) when the compounds are ionic. And remember the diatomic molecules. Be sure to label each reaction with it's type.
- For the back, be sure to show all of your work for the stoichiometry. You do not need to show the FM/MM calculations. Please, please, please come in and see me if you are struggling with this information. We will be briefly reviewing it next week and then testing next Tuesday!
- Diplacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Click here for a Microsoft Word template.
- Click here for a pdf explaining how to create a table, columns, and subscripts using Microsoft Word.
- Remember, I am willing to check your balanced equations but only up until Wednesday, May 22nd. Don't wait until the last minute to complete this lab! :0)
Formal Lab Report (TYPED – see guidelines in separate document)
47 Points
All 8 parts – remember to use past tense / passive voice / no personal pronouns
- use lab sheet / copy name
- II. Background: (6 points)
- paragraph(s) that include the topics listed
- language skills count
- Present tense // no lab data included
- Chemical reactions (define / reactants / products)
- Indicators of chemical reactions (identify what they are)
- Types of displacement reactions (identify each / define each)
- one sentence that begins: The purpose was …
- use lab objective from the front of the handout to finish the sentence
- List neatly in columns -- no numbers, no bullet points
- List using the steps from the given procedure.
- Remember to put it objectively in PAST tense!
- Computer generate the table – make sure to give it a title and box it in completely -- table needs to fit all on one page even if that means you will have to leave blank space
- Type a balanced chemical equation (use subscripts) for each chemical reaction.
- Label them Reactions 1 – 4
- The oxidation of copper in a compound is 2+.
- VII. Analysis: (15 points)
- Start with the table: name it / what is on it (use headings) / explain
- For each of the 4 reactions:
- give the indications observed that tell if a reaction occurred
- identify the products formed (use a full word equation)
- identify the type of reaction (explain why it is the particular type)
- Sources of error & ways to expand the lab (in relation to the purpose)
- Remember, language skills count and NO personal pronouns
- VIII. Conclusion: (4 points)
- Short paragraph (NO personal pronouns) that includes:
- Restate the purpose.
- Was it met?
- give results (state what one main indicator was observed for each reaction showing that it occurred – be specific – use the data table! Also state the type of reaction for each)
- Electronically submit your Displacement Reactions Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Thursday, May 23rd. You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered late.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Wednesday, May 29th -- Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/17 |
Due Tuesday, May 21st:
- If you did not copy down the notes for Double Displacement and Combusion, please do so. They are in the box below this one.
- Complete "Balancing Equations Worksheet #4" on loose-leaf. Be sure to show your balancing work, include the states of matter where they are listed in the problem. Don't forget to criss-cross (mentally or on paper) when the compounds are ionic. And remember the diatomic molecules. Be sure to label each reaction with it's type.
Due Thursday, May 23rd:
- Diplacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Click here for a Microsoft Word template.
- Click here for a pdf explaining how to create a table, columns, and subscripts using Microsoft Word.
- Remember, I am willing to check your balanced equations but only up until Wednesday, May 22nd. Don't wait until the last minute to complete this lab! :0)
Formal Lab Report (TYPED – see guidelines in separate document)
47 Points
All 8 parts – remember to use past tense / passive voice / no personal pronouns
- use lab sheet / copy name
- II. Background: (6 points)
- paragraph(s) that include the topics listed
- language skills count
- Present tense // no lab data included
- Chemical reactions (define / reactants / products)
- Indicators of chemical reactions (identify what they are)
- Types of displacement reactions (identify each / define each)
- one sentence that begins: The purpose was …
- use lab objective from the front of the handout to finish the sentence
- List neatly in columns -- no numbers, no bullet points
- List using the steps from the given procedure.
- Remember to put it objectively in PAST tense!
- Computer generate the table – make sure to give it a title and box it in completely -- table needs to fit all on one page even if that means you will have to leave blank space
- Type a balanced chemical equation (use subscripts) for each chemical reaction.
- Label them Reactions 1 – 4
- The oxidation of copper in a compound is 2+.
- VII. Analysis: (15 points)
- Start with the table: name it / what is on it (use headings) / explain
- For each of the 4 reactions:
- give the indications observed that tell if a reaction occurred
- identify the products formed (use a full word equation)
- identify the type of reaction (explain why it is the particular type)
- Sources of error & ways to expand the lab (in relation to the purpose)
- Remember, language skills count and NO personal pronouns
- VIII. Conclusion: (4 points)
- Short paragraph (NO personal pronouns) that includes:
- Restate the purpose.
- Was it met?
- give results (state what one main indicator was observed for each reaction showing that it occurred – be specific – use the data table! Also state the type of reaction for each)
- Electronically submit your Displacement Reactions Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Thursday, May 23rd. You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered late.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/15 |
- Complete both sides of the "Balancing Equations Worksheet #3" on loose-leaf. Be sure to show your balancing work, include the states of matter where they are listed in the problem. Don't forget to criss-cross (mentally or on paper) when the compounds are ionic. And remember the diatomic molecules. Be sure to label each reaction with it's type.
- Go back to "Balancing Equations Worksheet #2" and assign each reaction it's type.
- Friday's class runs from 9:05 - 10:23am due to the class elections. We will be doing the lab right at the beginning of class. McAuley's, if you still have to leave around 10 that is OK!
- Here are the rest of the notes from today's class. Copy them into your notes under your *fabulous* drawings and we will talk more about them on Friday after the lab.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Friday, May 17th -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/13 |
- Complete both sides of the "Balancing Equations Worksheet #2" on loose-leaf. Be sure to show your balancing work, include the states of matter where they are listed in the problem. Don't forget to criss-cross (mentally or on paper) when the compounds are ionic. And remember the diatomic molecules.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Friday, May 17th -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/09 |
- Complete the Unit 9 Exam Review Sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before the exam on Monday.
- Complete both sides of the "Balancing Equations Worksheet #1" on loose-leaf. Be sure to show your balancing work, include the states of matter where they are listed in the problem. Don't forget to criss-cross (mentally or on paper) when the compounds are ionic. And remember the diatomic molecules.
Unit 9 Exam
Monday, May 13th
Organic Compounds: Carbon-Based
Aliphatic vs. Aromatic
Saturated vs. Unsaturated Aliphatic Compounds
Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes
Attached Groups
Naming & Drawing Alkanes
Subsituted Hydrocarbons: Halocarbons, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, & Esters
Naming & Drawing Halocarbons, Alcohols, and Carboxylic Acids
Biological Molecules
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Monday, May 13th -- Unit 9 EXAM!
- Friday, May 17th -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/07 |
- Complete both sides of the "Biological Compounds" worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.07.19):
- Monday, May 13th -- Unit 9 EXAM!
- Friday, May 17th -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab
- Thursday, May 23rd -- Displacement Reactions Formal Lab Report DUE!!!
- Tuesday, May 28th -- Unit 10 EXAM!
- Thursday, June 6th -- Final Exam ~ Part 2
- Friday, June 7th -- Early Dismissal ~~ SUMMER VACATION!!!!
05/03 |
- Pick two of the four articles to read and answer the corresponding questions. You can either answer the questions on loose-leaf or you can type them and print them out. Answer the questions in complete sentences including the context of the question. For the full list of questions click here.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 05.03.19):
- Thursday, May 9th -- Unit 9 EXAM!
05/01 |
- Complete both sides of the "Simple Organic Compounds" and "Other Organic Compounds" worksheets.
04/29 |
- Complete the "Naming & Drawing Alkanes" packet.
04/17 |
- Finish writing the formulas and drawing the pent-dec alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes in your notes.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.09.19):
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
04/15 |
- Complete the Unit 8 Exam Review sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before Wednesday's exam.
- For the answers to the Naming & Writing Formulas Review 1/2 worksheet click here! Let me know if you have any questions.
Unit 8 Exam
Wednesday, April 17th
Compounds: Ionic, Polar Covalent, Nonpolar Covalent
Chemical Structure
Compound Properties
Oxidation Numbers
Polyatomic Ions
Writing and Naming Compounds (Ionic & Covalent)
Empirical & Molecular Formulas
Formula & Molar Mass
Mole-Mass Conversions for Compounds
Extra Practice Mole-Mass Conversions:
- He offers quizzes with TONS of practice problems. In the drop down section at the bottom of the page, select Converting Between Mass and Moles. Check the box to limit the molar masses to one decimal place. (NOTE: Your answers may not match up exactly with his due to rounding since we take the molar masses out to two decimal places). I’d suggest writing these problems on loose-leaf and keeping them in your homework binder so I can help you if you had any trouble with them. If there are elements on there that were not on the list that you had to memorize skip those problems.
Extra Practice Calculating Molar Mass:
- He offers quizzes with TONS of practice problems. In the drop down section at the bottom of the page, select Calculating Molar Mass. Check the box to limit the molar masses to one decimal place. (NOTE: Your answers may not match up exactly with his due to rounding since we take the molar masses out to two decimal places). I’d suggest writing these problems on loose-leaf and keeping them in your homework binder so I can help you if you had any trouble with them. If there are elements on there that were not on the list that you had to memorize skip those problems.
Extra Practice Naming & Writing Covalent Compounds:
- He offers quizzes with TONS of practice problems. In the drop down menu towards the bottom, select from Binary Molecular Compounds - then press QUIZ ME! After you check your answer, press QUIZ ME again to get a new problem. My suggestion is to write the problems in your notes. They are randomly generated, so if you get stuck on one, I can't help you unless I can see what the problem was. If there are elements on there that were not on the list that you had to memorize skip those problems.
Extra Practice Naming & Writing Ionic Compounds:
- He offers quizzes with TONS of practice problems. In the drop down menu towards the bottom, select from Binary Ionic Compounds, and/or Polyatomic Ionic Compounds - then press QUIZ ME! After you check your answer, press QUIZ ME again to get a new problem. My suggestion is to write the problems in your notes. They are randomly generated, so if you get stuck on one, I can't help you unless I can see what the problem was. If there are elements on there that were not on the list that you had to memorize skip those problems.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.09.19):
- Wednesday, April 17th -- Unit 8 EXAM!!
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
04/09 |
- Complete the "Mole-Mass Conversions for Compounds" half worksheet. Be sure to show ALL of your work!! Remember to determine if the compound is ionic or covalent first!
- Complete both sides of the "Why Atoms Combine" worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.09.19):
- Monday, April 15th -- *Mid-Term of Term 3*
- Wednesday, April 17th -- Unit 8 EXAM!!
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
04/05 |
- Here are the answers to the example problems that we went over at the end of class. Remember, you don't have to have the 2nd FM step where you individually solve the parentheses, but you can. Also, disregard the example numbers as they don't match the order that we did them in class.
- Calculate the formula mass and molar mass for the following compounds:
- 1. dinitrogen pentoxide
- 2. xenon tetrafluoride
- 3. chromium (II) hydroxide
- 4. ammonium sulfate
- 5. phosphorus trichloride
- 6. calcium nitrate
- 7. copper (I) chloride
- 8. diiodine dichloride
- 9. dinitrogen monoxide
- 10. magnesium nitride
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.01.19):
- Monday, April 15th -- Unit 8 EXAM! // *Mid-Term of Term 3*
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
04/03 |
- Complete #21 - 30 on the front of the "Writing & Naming Chemical Formulas -- Ionic Compounds" worksheet. Be sure to show your criss-cross work (for at least the front) on loose-leaf.
- Complete the entire "Writing Ionic Formulas" packet. You can show the criss-cross directly in the packet.
- Complete the "Names & Formulas of Covalent (Molecular) Compounds" half worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.01.19):
- Monday, April 15th -- Unit 8 EXAM! // *Mid-Term of Term 3*
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
04/01 |
- Complete #1 - 20 on the front of the "Writing & Naming Chemical Formulas -- Ionic Compounds" worksheet. Be sure to show your work on loose-leaf -- 3 steps for criss-crossing and name the compounds.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 04.01.19):
- Monday, April 15th -- Unit 8 EXAM! // *Mid-Term of Term 3*
- Friday, April 19th -- Sunday, April 28th -- EASTER BREAK!!
03/26 |
- Complete the Unit 7 Exam Review sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before Thursday's exam.
Unit 7 Exam
Thursday, March 28th
Periodic Table
Group & Period Trends
Group Names
Electrons & Orbitals (s, p, d, f)
Energy Level Diagrams with Orbitals
Electron Dot Diagrams
Bonding (Ionic, Metallic, Covalent)
Lewis Electron Dot Diagrams for Compounds (Ionic & Covalent)
Diatomic Molecules
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 03.20.19):
- Thursday, March 28th -- Unit 7 EXAM!
03/22 |
- Draw the covalent bonds for the following compounds:
- 1. C2H2
- 2. CO2
- 3. C2H2F2
- 4. F2
- 5. H2S
- 6. OF2
- 7. NF3
- 8. I2
- 9. HBr
- 10. SiH4
- Use Chapter 12 from the Blue Physical Science Textbook and your notes to COMPLETELY FINISH ALL of the Periodic Table packet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 03.20.19):
- Thursday, March 28th -- Unit 7 EXAM!
03/20 |
- Draw the covalent bonds for the following compounds:
- 1. Br2
- 2. HI
- 3. CF4
- 4. PH3
- Complete #4 on the front of "A Guided Tour of the Periodic Table/Families of Elements" worksheet (pg. 15) and #3 & 4 on the back (pg. 16).
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 03.20.19):
- Thursday, March 28th -- Unit 7 EXAM!
03/18 |
- Draw the ionic bonds for the following pairs of elements:
- 1. lithium & oxygen
- 2. bromine & sodium
- 3. bromine & potassium
- 4. strontium & oxygen
- 5. barium & fluorine
- 6. chlorine & cesium
- 7. magnesium & phosphorus
- 8. chlorine & calcium
- 9. sodium & sulfur
- 10. lithium & nitrogen
- 11. magnesium & oxygen
- 12. iodine & potassium
- 13. calcium & fluorine
- 14. sodium & oxygen
- 15. nitrogen & calcium
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 03.18.19):
- Tuesday, March 26th -- Unit 7 EXAM!
03/14 |
- Draw the Energy Level Diagrams with Orbitals for the following elements: S, B, Al, Ni, Rb, Xe, Pb, Mo, Au, Mn, K, & Og
- Ending Sublevels of Elements: Cl, Te, Nb, K, Li, Po, Es, Pr, Cr, Ra
- Elements from Ending Sublevels: 2s2, 4d2, 5p2, 5f7, 7s1, 2p5, 5d6, 3p1, 6s2, 4f14
- Electron Dot Diagrams: He, Li, Be, B, N, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Cl, K, Br, Kr, Sr, I, Cs
- Ions: Li, Be, Mg, K, Sr, Cs, Ra
03/12 |
- Draw the Energy Level Diagrams with Orbitals for the following elements: He, C, Mg, Ca, and Br
03/06 |
Due Friday, March 8th:
- Complete the Unit 6 Exam Review sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 6 Exam
Friday, March 8th
History of the Atom
Atomic Structure
Subatomic Particles
Average Atomic Mass
Radioactivity (including Uses)
Nuclear Decay Reactions
Fission & Fusion
The Mole
Mole Conversions
Electrons and Orbitals
Energy Level Diagrams
Due Tuesday, March 12th:
- Complete the back of the Periodic Table worksheet that you colored in class.
- Complete both sides of the "A Guided Tour of the Periodic Table" worksheet except for #4 on the front and #3 & 4 on the back.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 02.25.19):
- Friday, March 8th -- Unit 6 EXAM!
03/04 |
Due Wednesday, March 6th:
- Element Creative Essay/Children's Book
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
Due Friday, March 8th:
- Complete the Unit 6 Exam Review sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 6 Exam
Friday, March 8th
History of the Atom
Atomic Structure
Subatomic Particles
Average Atomic Mass
Radioactivity (including Uses)
Nuclear Decay Reactions
Fission & Fusion
The Mole
Mole Conversions
Electrons and Orbitals
Energy Level Diagrams
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 02.25.19):
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE!
- Friday, March 8th -- Unit 6 EXAM!
03/01 |
Due Monday, March 4th:
- Complete the entire "Atom Packet."
- Use the little slips of colored paper to draw out the Energy Level Diagrams for the first 18 elements on the periodic table. Label all parts of the Energy Level Diagrams just like we did in class. Be sure to put the atomic number and element symbol somewhere on the paper itself.
Due Wednesday, March 6th:
- Element Creative Essay/Children's Book
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
Due Friday, March 8th:
- Complete the Unit 6 Exam Review sheet. As always, I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 6 Exam
Friday, March 8th
History of the Atom
Atomic Structure
Subatomic Particles
Average Atomic Mass
Radioactivity (including Uses)
Nuclear Decay Reactions
Fission & Fusion
The Mole
Mole Conversions
Electrons and Orbitals
Energy Level Diagrams
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 02.25.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE!
- Friday, March 8th -- Unit 6 EXAM!
02/27 |
- Complete the "Mole Conversions" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work!
- Start working on the "Atom Packet" except for C1 for Monday, March 4th.
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 02.25.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
- Friday, March 8th -- Unit 6 EXAM!
02/25 |
- Complete both sides of the "What is Radioactivity?" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work for the nuclear reactions and half life problems!
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 02.25.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
- Friday, March 8th -- Unit 6 EXAM!
02/21 |
- Complete both sides of the "Radioactivity ~ Half Lives" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work!
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/19 |
- Formal Lab Report Revisions are due on Thursday, February 21st. Absolutely NO LATE submissions of the revisions will be accepted.
- You have the possibility to earn half of your missed points back. However, this is not a guarantee. You have to make the suggested corrections in order to do so.
- When you hand in the revision, I also need the original lab with the grading rubric. If this is not handed in with your revision, I cannot grade it and give you points back and your grade will have to remain as is.
- All sections of the lab report must be re-written, even if you didn’t miss any points in a given section the first time around. The idea of the revision is that you will be handing in a ‘perfect’ lab report for me to review with all of the sections. Then, when you get it back, you have a good example of what a formal lab report should look like to use for future reference. You don't have to completely rewrite/reword it, just edit your first lab to add in the corrections.
- After they are turned in and have been graded, I will put a comment with the grade on Power School. This should appear to you as having the numerator blue and underlined. When you click on that, you will see “Revised Grade.” as the comment. I will be posting revision grades as I complete them.
- You DO NOT need to submit your revision to turnitin
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/14 |
- Complete both sides of the "Radioactivity ~ Nuclear Reactions" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work!
- Here are the practice problems from the end of today's class:
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/12 |
- Complete the "Average Atomic Masses" half worksheet on loose-leaf. Be sure to show all of your work!
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/08 |
- For a link to the "Particle Adventure" website with the super awesome social elephants, click here!
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/06 |
- Complete both sides of the "Structure of the Atom" worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
02/04 |
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/28 |
- Think about whether you would like to do your element essay in essay or book form. If you want a book I will order them and you can pay me back.
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI Mid-Year Final Topics.pdf
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.29.19):
- Friday, February 1st (not an A or B Day) -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Monday, February 4th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/24 |
- Study for the mid-year final exam! It is on Wednesday, January 30th.
- Think about whether you would like to do your element essay in essay or book form. If you want a book I will order them and you can pay me back.
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI Mid-Year Final Topics.pdf
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
Element Creative Essay/Children's Book (Due 03.06.19)
- Click here for a pdf of a Power Point by Mrs. Wojciechowski detailing the new MLA format. A basic citation may look like this:
Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
- If you would like to do this as a book and you haven't already, please let me know and I will order you a hard copy book and you can pay me back for it.
- The book must contain multiple illustrations/pictures in addition to the context of the story.
- If you did not write down your element, I did, so you can email me for it.
- Email/Remind or come see me if you have any questions regarding the assignment!
- It is worth 30 points and will be the first grade of TERM 3.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.22.19):
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st (not an A or B Day) -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/22 |
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI Mid-Year Final Topics.pdf
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.22.19):
- Thursday, January 24th -- Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st (not an A or B Day) -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/17 |
- Complete the Unit 5 Exam Review sheet. I will be collecting it before the exam on Tuesday.
Unit 5 Exam
Tuesday, January 22nd
Kinetic Theory of Matter
States of Matter
Crystal Structures of Solids
Changes of State
Phase Change Diagrams
Heats of Fusion & Vaporization
Matter Flowchart
Properties & Changes of Matter
Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report
A full list of FINAL EXAM TOPICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: FSI Mid-Year Final Topics.pdf
Below are the review sheets from the past exams if you'd like to use them to help you study:
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st (not an A or B Day) -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/15 |
- Complete both sides of the "Composition of Matter" worksheet.
- Complete both sides of the "Properties and Changes" half worksheet.
- Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab report. Come in and see me or email/remind me with questions. Be sure to use all of the notes that you took in class as well as the MPS Formal Lab Handout and the Graphing/Table making handout -- both of which can be found under the 'Lab Resources' tab on my website and in your notes! Bring the original handout with you back to class. Don't put it off until the night before, you will regret that decision -- it is worth 55 points.
- If you are going to staple it ahead of time, the order (from top to bottom) will be typed lab, loose-leaf calculations, graph, original handout (where you recorded the data in class). Keep the MPS Formal Lab handout in your notes.
- For the Changes in Thermal Energy Lab Word document template, click here! I would recommend doing this in Microsoft Word on a computer. It will open in Pages/Word App, however, the formatting won't necessarily stay correct. If you use the Word app on the iPad, watch the formatting of the Roman Numerals. Sometimes it changes IV into IIII.
- You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered LATE.
- Electronically submit your Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Thursday, January 17th. If it is submitted after 8:30AM it will be LATE and you will lose points on the lab report. If you DO NOT submit your report to turnitin you will receive a ZERO on the lab. LABS MUST BE SUBMITED TO TURNITIN BY THIS TIME EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THE DAY THAT IT IS DUE! Then bring in a hard copy when you return tt o school.
- Click here for a pdf of on how to submit your lab reporto turnitin.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Thursday, January 17th -- *Mid-Term of Term 2* // Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report DUE!!
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/11 |
Due Tuesday, January 15th --
- Study the fourth and final set of elements (Sb - Ra) for the fourth quiz -- but don't forget to keep reviewing the elements from the first three sets. Remember, correct spelling and capitalization will count! The fourth quiz is worth 10 points.
- Complete the "Because Matter Matters" packet (except #14, 15, 16, 24, & 25). It will be graded both on correctness and completion.
Due Thursday, January 17th --
- Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab report. Come in and see me or email/remind me with questions. Be sure to use all of the notes that you took in class as well as the MPS Formal Lab Handout and the Graphing/Table making handout -- both of which can be found under the 'Lab Resources' tab on my website and in your notes! Bring the original handout with you back to class. Don't put it off until the night before, you will regret that decision -- it is worth 55 points.
- If you are going to staple it ahead of time, the order (from top to bottom) will be typed lab, loose-leaf calculations, graph, original handout (where you recorded the data in class). Keep the MPS Formal Lab handout in your notes.
- For the Changes in Thermal Energy Lab Word document template, click here! I would recommend doing this in Microsoft Word on a computer. It will open in Pages/Word App, however, the formatting won't necessarily stay correct. If you use the Word app on the iPad, watch the formatting of the Roman Numerals. Sometimes it changes IV into IIII.
- You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered LATE.
- Electronically submit your Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Thursday, January 17th. If it is submitted after 8:30AM it will be LATE and you will lose points on the lab report. If you DO NOT submit your report to turnitin you will receive a ZERO on the lab. LABS MUST BE SUBMITED TO TURNITIN BY THIS TIME EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THE DAY THAT IT IS DUE! Then bring in a hard copy when you return tt o school.
- Click here for a pdf of on how to submit your lab reporto turnitin.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Tuesday, January 15th -- Element Quiz #4 // Because Matter Matters Packet DUE!
- Thursday, January 17th -- *Mid-Term of Term 2* // Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report DUE!!
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/09 |
- Study the third set of elements (Fe-Rn) for the third quiz -- but don't forget to keep reviewing the elements from the first two sets. Remember, correct spelling and capitalization will count! The third quiz is worth 8 points.
- Remember, as much as we'd love to have them, next class would not be a good one to bring a shadow to since we will be doing the formal lab, but it is a VERY important day for you to be here! :0)
- Start working on the "Because Matter Matters" packet (except #14, 15, 16, 24, & 25). I will be collecting it on Tuesday, January 15th. It will be graded both on correctness and completion.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Friday, January 11th -- Element Quiz #3 // Changes in Thermal Energy FORMAL LAB!
- Tuesday, January 15th -- Element Quiz #4 // Because Matter Matters Packet DUE!
- Thursday, January 17th -- *Mid-Term of Term 2* // Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report DUE!!
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/07 |
- Study the second set of elements (Mg-Mo) for the second quiz -- but don't forget to keep reviewing the elements from the first set. Remember, correct spelling and capitalization will count! The second quiz is worth 7 points.
- Complete both sides of the "Changes of State" worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Wednesday, January 9th -- Element Quiz #2
- Friday, January 11th -- Element Quiz #3 // Changes in Thermal Energy FORMAL LAB!
- Tuesday, January 15th -- Element Quiz #4 // Because Matter Matters Packet DUE!
- Thursday, January 17th -- *Mid-Term of Term 2* // Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report DUE!!
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
01/03 |
- Study the first set of elements (H-Na) for the first quiz. Remember, correct spelling and capitalization will count! The first quiz is worth 5 points.
- Complete both sides of the "Matter and Temperature" worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 01.03.19):
- Monday, January 7th -- Element Quiz #1
- Wednesday, January 9th -- Element Quiz #2
- Friday, January 11th -- Element Quiz #3 // Changes in Thermal Energy FORMAL LAB!
- Tuesday, January 15th -- Element Quiz #4 // Because Matter Matters Packet DUE!
- Thursday, January 17th -- *Mid-Term of Term 2* // Changes in Thermal Energy Formal Lab Report DUE!!
- Tuesday, January 22nd -- Unit 5 Exam // Element Creative Essay Assignment Directions
- Thursday, January 24th -- Mid-Year Final Exam After School (Optional) Review Session -- 3:15PM
- Wednesday, January 30th -- Mid-Year Final Exam
- Friday, February 1st -- TOUCH OF CLASS DAY! // Half Day!
- Friday, March 1st -- END OF TERM 2 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Wednesday, March 6th -- Element Creative Essay DUE! (First Grade of Term 3)
12/18 |
- Complete the Unit 4 Exam Review Sheet for Thursday, December 20th. Be sure to show your work! I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 4 Exam
Thursday, December 20th
Energy (Types & Units)
Laws of Thermodynamics
Temperature Scales
Temperature Conversions
Heat & Thermal Energy
Energy Transfer
Conductors & Insulators
Specific Heat
Thermal Energy Equations (Q=mcΔT)
Water Temperature Informal Lab (in the unit but not on the exam)
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.07.18):
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
12/13 |
- Complete both sides of the "More Specific Heat Problems" worksheet (#1 - 14) on loose-leaf. Be sure to show ALL of your work (finding ΔT, converting mass, and solving the 4 step problem)!!!
- Water Temperature Informal Lab is due on Tuesday, December 18th. Make sure to follow the guidelines. Bring the original lab handout back to class with you on Tuesday. The lab is worth 32 points. See futher details below including a pre-formatted template.
Informal lab report (Typed / 12 pt. Times New Roman / 1.5 spaced / heading on first page in upper right corner)
Complete only the following parts – remember to use past tense / passive voice / no personal pronouns
I. Title: use lab sheet / copy name
II. Purpose:
- one sentence that begins: The purpose was to….
- use lab purpose to finish the sentence
III. Results:
- Type Table 1
- Be sure to give it a title (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab)
- Make sure it is boxed in on all sides (except the title)
- Create a graph (on graph paper in PENCIL, not typed) to show the trend in temperature as time increases
- Put both lines (one for each column) on the SAME graph
- Color code each best fit line (use a key to identify the lines) -- use colored pencil
- In the lab report, under Table 1, write: See attached sheet for Graph 1: Title. (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab -- use the notes we took on how to make a proper line graph)
- Calculations:
- Determine the overall change in temperature for each column (show all work – label each)
- Δt = | t1 – t2| (Δt is the change in temperature)
- Pay attention to units and sigfigs.
- Calculations should also be typed.
IV. Analysis:
- Start with Table 1 (name it / what is on it? (use headings) / pick out key values / talk about trend)
- Do not list every temperature or time, just those that are significant.
- Discuss the Graph 1 (name it / what is on it (use axes) / how did the independent variable effect the dependent variable? / what is the trend? / what does each line represent? / is there a difference between the two?) – use key graphing terms
- Explain the two calculations. List the values of each. Compare them. What do they represent?
- Think in terms of the purpose.
- Discuss temperature and kinetic energy. (This part can be in present tense.)
- How are they related to each other?
- How are they related to the lab experiment?
V. Conclusion:
- Restate the purpose.
- Was it met?
- Support with lab results.
- For the Water Temperature Informal Lab Word document template, click here! I would recommend doing this in Microsoft Word on a computer. It will open in Pages/Word App, however, the formatting won't necessarily stay correct. If you use the Word app on the iPad, watch the formatting of the Roman Numerals. Sometimes it changes IV into IIII.
- You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered LATE.
- Electronically submit your Water Temperature Informal Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Tuesday, December 18th. If it is submitted after 8:30AM it will be LATE and you will lose points on the lab report. If you DO NOT submit your report to turnitin you will receive a ZERO on the lab. LABS MUST BE SUBMITED TO TURNITIN BY THIS TIME EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THE DAY THAT IT IS DUE! Then bring in a hard copy when you return tt o school.
- Click here for a pdf of on how to submit your lab reporto turnitin.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.07.18):
- Thursday, December 13th -- Early Dismissal // Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
- Tuesday, December 18th -- Water Temperature Lab DUE!!
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
12/11 |
Due Thursday, December 13th:
- Complete both sides of the "Specific Heat" worksheet (#1 - 14) on loose-leaf. Be sure to show ALL of your work (finding ΔT, converting mass, and solving the 4 step problem)!!!
- Here are the last two problems that we weren't able to get through in class. You will want to transfer these into your notes. Please let me know if you have any questions about them!
Due Tuesday, December 18th:
- Water Temperature Informal Lab is due on Tuesday, December 18th. Make sure to follow the guidelines. Bring the original lab handout back to class with you on Tuesday. The lab is worth 32 points. See futher details below including a pre-formatted template.
Informal lab report (Typed / 12 pt. Times New Roman / 1.5 spaced / heading on first page in upper right corner)
Complete only the following parts – remember to use past tense / passive voice / no personal pronouns
I. Title: use lab sheet / copy name
II. Purpose:
- one sentence that begins: The purpose was to….
- use lab purpose to finish the sentence
III. Results:
- Type Table 1
- Be sure to give it a title (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab)
- Make sure it is boxed in on all sides (except the title)
- Create a graph (on graph paper in PENCIL, not typed) to show the trend in temperature as time increases
- Put both lines (one for each column) on the SAME graph
- Color code each best fit line (use a key to identify the lines) -- use colored pencil
- In the lab report, under Table 1, write: See attached sheet for Graph 1: Title. (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab -- use the notes we took on how to make a proper line graph)
- Calculations:
- Determine the overall change in temperature for each column (show all work – label each)
- Δt = | t1 – t2| (Δt is the change in temperature)
- Pay attention to units and sigfigs.
- Calculations should also be typed.
IV. Analysis:
- Start with Table 1 (name it / what is on it? (use headings) / pick out key values / talk about trend)
- Do not list every temperature or time, just those that are significant.
- Discuss the Graph 1 (name it / what is on it (use axes) / how did the independent variable effect the dependent variable? / what is the trend? / what does each line represent? / is there a difference between the two?) – use key graphing terms
- Explain the two calculations. List the values of each. Compare them. What do they represent?
- Think in terms of the purpose.
- Discuss temperature and kinetic energy. (This part can be in present tense.)
- How are they related to each other?
- How are they related to the lab experiment?
V. Conclusion:
- Restate the purpose.
- Was it met?
- Support with lab results.
- For the Water Temperature Informal Lab Word document template, click here! I would recommend doing this in Microsoft Word on a computer. It will open in Pages/Word App, however, the formatting won't necessarily stay correct. If you use the Word app on the iPad, watch the formatting of the Roman Numerals. Sometimes it changes IV into IIII.
- You MUST also bring a printed out version to class -- no one will be allowed to leave class to print it. If it is not printed and handed in at the beginning of the class it will be considered LATE.
- Electronically submit your Water Temperature Informal Lab to Turnitin by 8:30AM on Tuesday, December 18th. If it is submitted after 8:30AM it will be LATE and you will lose points on the lab report. If you DO NOT submit your report to turnitin you will receive a ZERO on the lab. LABS MUST BE SUBMITED TO TURNITIN BY THIS TIME EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT ON THE DAY THAT IT IS DUE! Then bring in a hard copy when you return to school.
- Click here for a pdf of on how to submit your lab report to turnitin.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.07.18):
- Thursday, December 13th -- Early Dismissal // Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
- Tuesday, December 18th -- Water Temperature Lab DUE!!
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
12/07 |
Due Tuesday, December 11th:
- Complete BOTH SIDES of the 'Temperature and Heat' worksheet.
- You will likely receive an email from on my behalf. Use your school email and password to set up an account.
Due Tuesday, December 18th:
- Water Temperature Informal Lab is due on Tuesday, December 18th. Make sure to follow the guidelines. Bring the original lab handout back to class with you on Tuesday. The lab is worth 32 points. See futher details below including a pre-formatted template.
**REMEMBER, we will finish talking about the lab report on Tuesday (12/11) but if you want to get started on it as there will continue to be additional homework, here is what we have reviewed this far:
Informal lab report (Typed / 12 pt. Times New Roman / 1.5 spaced / heading on first page in upper right corner)
Complete only the following parts – remember to use past tense / passive voice / no personal pronouns
I. Title: use lab sheet / copy name
II. Purpose:
- one sentence that begins: The purpose was to….
- use lab purpose to finish the sentence
III. Results:
- Type Table 1
- Be sure to give it a title (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab)
- Make sure it is boxed in on all sides (except the title)
- Create a graph (on graph paper in PENCIL, not typed) to show the trend in temperature as time increases
- Put both lines (one for each column) on the SAME graph
- Color code each best fit line (use a key to identify the lines) -- use colored pencil
- In the lab report, under Table 1, write: See attached sheet for Graph 1: Title. (Do NOT title it Water Temperature Lab -- use the notes we took on how to make a proper line graph)
- For the Water Temperature Informal Lab Word document template, click here! I would recommend doing this in Microsoft Word on a computer. It will open in Pages/Word App, however, the formatting won't necessarily stay correct. If you use the Word app on the iPad, watch the formatting of the Roman Numerals. Sometimes it changes IV into IIII.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.07.18):
- Thursday, December 13th -- Early Dismissal // Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
- Tuesday, December 18th -- Water Temperature Lab DUE!!
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
12/05 |
- Complete BOTH SIDES of the 'Moving Thermal Energy' worksheet.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.03.18):
- Friday, December 7th -- Water Temperature Lab
- Tuesday, December 11th -- Water Temperature Lab DUE!!
- Thursday, December 13th -- Early Dismissal // Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
12/03 |
- Complete BOTH SIDES of the Temperature Conversions worksheet (#1 - 15). Be sure to show all of your work and remember, going between Kelvin and Fahrenheit requires two four step problems!
- As of today, Monday, December 3rd until sometime in the end of February, I will NOT be available after school on Mondays and Wednesdays because of bowling.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 12.03.18):
- Friday, December 7th -- Water Temperature Lab
- Tuesday, December 11th -- Water Temperature Lab DUE!!
- Thursday, December 13th -- Early Dismissal // Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
- Thursday, December 20th -- Unit 4 Exam
- Saturday, December 21 - Wednesday, January 2nd -- *Christmas Break!*
11/29 |
- Complete the "Energy and Work" worksheet.
11/27 |
- Study for Unit 3 Exam Part Two next class --- this portion will cover ONLY the graphing information. Identifying what type of graph to make based on a data scenario, circle graph percent and angle calculations, and making either a bar or line graph.
Unit 3 Topics
Percent to Decimal
Decimal to Percent
Part of Total
Percent of Total
Percent Difference
Percent Error
Types of Graphs
How to make a bar & line graph
Circle Graph Percent & Angle Calculations
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.27.18):
- Thursday, November 29th -- Unit 3 Exam - Part 2
11/20 |
- Complete the "Composition of Sea Water" circle graph calculations. Be sure to show all four steps for both the percent and angle calculations. Record the final percents and angles in the table. Make sure to watch your sigfigs when you are adding to get your total value.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.20.18):
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
- Thursday, November 29th -- Unit 3 Exam - Part Two (Graphing)
11/16 |
- Complete the Unit 3 Exam Review Sheet for Tuesday, November 20th. Be sure to show your work where there is a formula to be used. I will be collecting it before the exam.
- Unit 3 Exam Part One --- this portion will cover ONLY the percent information from this unit (percent to decimal, decimal to percent, part of total, percent of total, percent difference, and percent error). The 2nd part of the exam will be AFTER Thanksgiving Break!
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.08.18):
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam - Part 1
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
11/14 |
- Use the "Height of Corn Plants" data to create the beginning of the line graph. Do not plot the points or draw the line yet. We will finish the line graph in class on Friday.
- If you didn't finish the half worksheet on the types of graphs in class, complete that as well.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.08.18):
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam - Part 1
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
11/12 |
- Complete the Percent Sweetener in Gum lab.
- THIS PART SHOULD BE DONE, BUT IF IS ISN'T: Be sure to show all of your work for the calculations -- finding the mass of the sweetener and the percent of gum that is sweetener.
- Pay attention to units and sigfigs!
- Label each with the Brand & Flavor of gum
- Create a bar graph of the Percent Sweetener in Gum data.
- Follow the steps that we did in class.
- Answer the analysis and conclusion questions in complete sentences - paragraph form -- past tense -- no personal pronouns. You may type this part if you would like.
- Use numerical data to back up the first three questions.
- Sources of error have to be true possibilities - human error/calculation errors do not count.
- For the extension, more time/more trials/more gum is not an example of an extension.
- Bring the original sheet back to class with you.
- This lab is worth 35 points and will be graded for Term 1.
- Bring your graphing supplies with you next class as we will be moving on to the line graph!
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.08.18):
- Wednesday, November 14th -- Entire Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab DUE!!
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
11/08 |
- Complete only the "Calculations" portion of the Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab on loose-leaf. Be sure to show all of your work for finding the mass of the sweetener and the percent of gum that is sweetener. Label each type of gum.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.08.18):
- Thursday, November 8th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum LAB!
- Monday, November 12th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab Calculations DUE!!
- Wednesday, November 14th -- Entire Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab DUE!!
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
11/06 |
- Complete the back of the "Percent" worksheet on Percent Difference & Percent Error. Be sure to show the four step process on loose-leaf!
- Complete the "More Percents" worksheet. Be sure to show the four step process for the problems in Sections C & D either on the back of the worksheet or on loose-leaf.
- Bring your graphing supplies (graph paper, pencil, ruler, and colored pencils) with you to class from now on.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.01.18):
- Thursday, November 8th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum LAB!
- Monday, November 12th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab DUE!!
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
11/01 |
- Complete the front of the "Percent" worksheet. Be sure to show the four step process on loose-leaf for the part of total and percent of total problems.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 11.01.18):
- Thursday, November 8th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum LAB!
- Monday, November 12th -- Percent Sweetener in Gum Lab DUE!!
- Tuesday, November 20th -- Unit 3 Exam
- Wednesday, November 21st (A-DAY) -- END OF TERM 1 // EARLY DISMISSAL!
10/30 |
- Complete the "Density Determination" Lab for Thursday, November 1st. Be sure to show your work on loose-leaf! There should be 5 volume calculations and 7 density calcuations. Show all four steps with units for each calculation! Under your calculations, write one sentence for the analysis using the picture of pg. 684 from the Yellow Textbook that you took during class. The analysis is only about the rectangular prism. The entire lab is worth 38 points. Make sure to bring the half sheet with your data back to class.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/26 |
Due October 30th:
- Complete both sides of the "Unit 2 Exam Review Sheet" for Tuesday, October 30th. Be sure to show your work on loose-leaf where applicable. I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 2 Exam
Tuesday, October 30th
Scale & Estimated Digits
Metric Prefixes & Conversions
Scientific Notation (into, out of, operations [multiplication & division])
Accuracy & Precision
Significant Figures (counting, rounding, operations [addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division])
Derived Units: Area, Volume, Density
Due November 1st:
- Complete the "Density Determination" Lab for Thursday, November 1st. Be sure to show your work on loose-leaf! There should be 5 volume calculations and 7 density calcuations. Show all four steps with units for each calculation! Under your calculations, write one sentence for the analysis using the picture of pg. 684 from the Yellow Textbook that you took during class. The analysis is only about the rectangular prism. The entire lab is worth 38 points. Make sure to bring the half sheet with your data back to class.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/24 |
- Complete both sides of the "Density" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work!
Unit 2 Exam
Tuesday, October 30th
Scale & Estimated Digits
Metric Prefixes & Conversions
Scientific Notation (into, out of, operations [multiplication & division])
Accuracy & Precision
Significant Figures (counting, rounding, operations [addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division])
Derived Units: Area, Volume, Density
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/22 |
- The Measuring with SigFigs Lab is due on Wednesday, October 24th. The analysis portion should be done on loose-leaf. Be sure to show 4 steps for and label all of the calculations of area and volume (#1 & 2 in analysis). Don't forget to transfer your final answers (with units) to Tables 1 & 2. #3 in the analysis is a subtraction problem, make sure to line up your decimal points and show your work. The conclusion portion can be completed directly on the worksheet - #1 is a calcuation, #2 and #3 should be answered in complete sentences. The entire lab is worth 34 points.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/17 |
- Complete #8 & 10 on the "Significant Figures (Digits)" worksheet. Be sure to show your work! 4 steps for the volume problems.
- Complete both sides of the "SigFig Operations" worksheet. Be sure to show all of your work!
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/15 |
- Complete the "Signficiant Figures (Digits)" worksheet except for #8 & 10. Be sure to show your work for the operations with sigfigs problems and 4 steps for the area problems.
- QUIZ next class -- metric conversions, scientific notation (into & out of), scientific notation operations, counting sigfigs, rounding sigfigs, operations with sigfigs. You will not be allowed to use a calculator. It is worth 30 points.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/11 |
- Complete both sides of the "Operations in Scientific Notation" half worksheet. Be sure to show at least three steps like we did in class. Make sure you round to the least number of sigfigs and have the answer in proper scientific notation. Remember, you CAN use a calculator!!
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/09 |
- Complete Sections A & B on the front (Scientific Notation) side of the worksheet. Complete the entire back (Significant Figures) side of the worksheet. For Section C on the back, be sure to show your work on loose-leaf and pay attention to the setup of the problem and the sigfigs like we did in class.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Tuesday, October 9th -- Mid-Term of Term 1
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/05 |
- Are these all the same measurement? Think about it and we will talk about it on Tuesday.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Tuesday, October 9th -- Mid-Term of Term 1
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/03 |
- Complete the "Scientific Notation" 1/2 worksheet.
- QUIZ: Friday, October 5th on metric units and conversions.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Friday, October 5th -- Metric Units and Conversions QUIZ! // Measuring Familiar Objects LAB!
- Tuesday, October 9th -- Mid-Term of Term 1
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
10/01 |
- Complete the "Metric Conversions 1/4 Worksheet." Be sure to show the factor-label method work on loose-leaf.
- QUIZ: Friday, October 5th on metric units and conversions.
Important Upcoming Dates (updated 10.01.18):
- Friday, October 5th -- Metric Units and Conversions QUIZ! // Measuring Familiar Objects LAB!
- Tuesday, October 9th -- Mid-Term of Term 1
- Wednesday, October 17th -- Math Skills QUIZ!
- Monday, October 22nd -- Measuring with SigFigs LAB!
- Wednesday, October 24th -- Measuring with SigFigs Lab DUE!
- Friday, October 26th -- Density Determination LAB!
- Tuesday, October 30th -- Unit 2 Exam
- Thursday, November 1st -- Density Determination Lab DUE!
09/25 |
- Complete both sides of the "Metric Worksheet." Be sure to show the factor-label method work on loose-leaf for #6 - 8.
- McAuleys, on Thursday, September 27th you do not have to come to class since the 9th graders will be at their class retreat.
09/21 |
- If you didn't finish the gray "Standards of Measurement" worksheet from last class complete that one.
- Complete both sides of the "Estimating Digits" worksheet. On the "Reading Scales" side be sure to show your work for calculating each of the scales. You do not have to label each line.
- Complete the "Scales & Estimated Digits on Measuring Tools" packet.
- For planning purposes, McAuleys, on Thursday, September 27th you do not have to come to class since the 9th graders will be at their class retreat.
- 9th graders -- don't forget that you get to wear jeans all next week for Welcome Week! :0)
09/19 |
- Complete the Unit 1 Exam Review Sheet. I will be collecting it before the exam.
Unit 1 Exam
Friday, September 21st
Learner Profile*
Nature of Science*
Science Vocabulary
Laboratory Equipment
Laboratory Safety
Scientific Method
Scientific Variables
Base Measurements, Units, Abbreviations
History of the Metric System
* = these topics are part of Unit 1 but won't be on the exam
09/17 |
- Review your notes and begin studying for Friday's exam.
Unit 1 Exam
Friday, September 21st
Learner Profile*
Nature of Science*
Science Vocabulary
Laboratory Equipment
Laboratory Safety
Scientific Method
Scientific Variables
Base Measurements, Units, Abbreviations
History of the Metric System
* = these topics are part of Unit 1 but won't be on the exam
09/12 |
- Complete the Reinforcement pg. 8 worksheet.
- Unit 1 Exam: Friday, September 21st
09/10 |
- On the sheet of white paper, come up with one real life (or scientific) example of an independent and dependent variable relationship. Be creative -- think about different things that you encounter in your daily life! Draw pictures/print out from a computer and make sure it is in color. Be sure to clearly label the independent and dependent variables. Remember, you can't use anything from the activity today and you can't use time spent studying (IV) & test grade (DV).
- Bring in the signed Safety Contract if you have not already done so.
09/06 |
- Bring in the Student Safety Contract signed by you and a parent/guardian. We will finish reviewing through it on Monday.
09/04 |
You do not need to work on the following for homework. We will complete it next class.
08/30 |
- Complete both sides of the worksheet handed out at the end of class.
- Check your email for a link to the Learner Profile Survey.
08/28 |
- Welcome to Foundations of Scientific Inquiry MPS Pre-IB/H! :0)
- Have your syllabus sheet signed.
- Define the 14 science vocabulary words in your notes (on loose-leaf in pen or pencil, your preference): science, technology, scientific theory, scientific law, model, scientific method, hypothesis, experiment, observation, conclusion, control, constant, independent variable, dependent variable (you may want to skip a few spaces in between terms for when we review them on Thursday- just in case there is anything you may want to add! But it's up to you!)