Mrs. Elementary's Website

Materials & Resources

The Materials & Resources section of the SAS portal allows users the opportunity to search for standards-based resources for teaching. Using the search tool is as simple as performing a search on the Internet.  You enter a keyword, and then browse through your search results to find resources that are appropriate to your needs. 

These resources come to us from a variety of sources - there are educators just like you from schools across Pennsylvania who chose to publish their best lessons on our site.  We also include content from community, educational,  and cultural organizations across the state and the country.  Each piece of content undergoes an extensive peer review process before it is included on the site

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Phoneme Recognition Games

The Phoneme Center introduces children to phonemes, a basic unit of sound that can distinguish words.

Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures Under Ground (The Original Alice in Wonderland)

One summer's day in 1862 Lewis Carroll entertained children on a boat trip with a story of Alice's adventures in a magical world entered through a rabbit-hole. The ten-year-old Alice was so entranced that she begged him to write it down for her. It took him some time to write out the tale, in a tiny, neat hand, and complete the 37 illustrations. Alice finally received the 90-page book, dedicated to 'a dear child in memory of a summer day,' in November 1864.

Thomas Edison's Patent Application for the Light Bulb (1880)

On January 27, 1880, Thomas Edison received the historic patent embodying the principles of his incandescent lamp that paved the way for universal domestic use of the electric light.

Call Our Bluff: A Science History Challenge by Kinetic City

Just like your family has roots all over the world, science and technology does, too. In this web-based activity, students will try to guess fact from fiction as they trace the roots of different inventions and technologies.

ePALS Classroom Exchange

ePALS Classroom Exchange helps students to meet, correspond, and interact with students in other classrooms around the world via the Internet.

Albright-Knox ARTGAMES

Artgames is an interactive website designed to engage children in playful, interactive learning about works of art in the collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery

I have listed a sample of the high-quality resources you will find on the SAS portal.  This is just a taste - new content is continuously being added to the portal.

When you are done reviewing - click Finishing the Tour to read instructions on what to do next.
