Port Allegany Jr/Sr High School Counselor

Keystone Exams

DECEMBER 2-16 - Keystone Literature will be administered to 11th grade students not proficient after previous testing.

JANUARY 6-20 - Keystone Algebra will be administered to 8th - 11th grade students not proficient after previous testing.

JANUARY 8-22 - Keystone Biology will be administered to 10th - 11th grade students not proficient after previous testing.

TEST                     STUDENTS TESTING


ALL non-proficient 10th and 11th grade students

ALL 9th grade students finishing Algebra 9 CP or

not proficient on Winter Keystone

ALL 8th grade students finishing Algebra I



ALL students completing Biology CP or Biology

ALL 10th and 11th grade students not proficient

on Winter Keystone



ALL 11th grade students not proficient on

Winter Keystone


May 16 - 27, 2016 - Keystone Algebra, Biology, and Literature exams will be administered. 
