Port Allegany Jr/Sr High School Counselor

Math Electives

Intro to Programming                              year                          1 credit

     Intro to programming is a semester course which is designed to give students a basic understanding of computer programming.  Students will study the basic structures and operations common to all programming languages.  Emphasis will be on programming from an artificial intelligence approach, making the computers seem more human-like and intelligent.  Several languages may be used throughout the course such as Logo, Alice, Scratch, and Kodu.  Students will complete a culminating project of programming their own video game.  (Grades 9-12)

AP® Computer Science Principles

    This course will introduce you to the essential ideas of computer science and show how computing ad technology can influence the world around you.  AP® Computer Science Principles introduces you to the essential ideas of computer science with a focus on how computing can impact the world.  Along with the fundamentals of computing, you will learn to analyze data, information, or knowledge represented for computational use; create technology that has a practical impact; and gain a broader understanding of how computer science impacts people and society.  You will creatively address real0-world issues and concerns while using the same processes and tools as artists, writers, computer scientists, and engineers to bring ideas to life.  Students taking this course may receive college credit through passing the through-course assessment and the AP® exam at the end of the year.  (Pre-requisite:  Successful completion of Algebra II)
