Lehighton Area Middle School

Creative Arts Team (CAT)

 In order to access our Canvas course please use this link and the student log in information. Canvas log in page >>>https://lehighton.instructure.com  


Mr. Tim Sharrow - tsharrow@lehighton.org 

Ms. Janice Scherer - jscherer@lehighton.org 

Mrs. Rachel Quinn - rquinn@lehighton.org

Ms. Beth Kutzner - bkutzner@lehighton.org

Mrs. Rachel Watts - rwatts@lehighton.org

  • Learn more about Mrs. Watts!
  • 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Graphic Design - Course Syllabus

Mrs. Rebecca Tite - rtite@lehighton.org

Mr. Benjamin Tkach - btkach@lehighton.org 

Mrs. Lydia DeLong - ldelong@lehighton.org

Mr. Bryan Buffington - bbuffington@lehighton.org 

Mrs. Angela Gogno - agogno@lehighton.org

