Mrs. Breiner's 3rd Grade


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Vocabulary Words


Test 1 – Addition – Vocabulary Words

  1. sum – the answer to an addition problem 
  1. addends – numbers added together to give a sum

Example:  2 + 7 = 9; the numbers 2 and 7 are the addends

  1. Identify (Zero) Property of Addition – the sum of any numbers and zero is that same number

Example:  127 + 0 = 127 

  1. Commutative (Order) Property of Addition – numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same

Example:  5 + 8 = 13 and 8 + 5 = 13 

  1. Associative (Grouping) Property of Addition – the grouping of addends can be changed and the sum will be the same

Example: (3 + 4) =5 = 12 and 3 + (4 + 5) = 12



Test 2– Subtraction – Vocabulary Words

  1. fact family – a group of related facts using the same numbers
  1. difference – the answer when subtracting two numbers 
  1. sum – the answer to an addition problem 
  1. addends – numbers added together to give a sum

Example:  6 + 5 = 11; the numbers 6 and 5 are the addends

  1. Commutative (Order) Property of Addition – numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same

Example:  2 + 7 = 9 and 7 + 2 = 9

Example:  2 +7 = 7 + 2


Test 3– Place Value – Vocabulary Words

  1. digits – the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 used to write numbers 
  1. place value – the value given to the place a digit has in a number

Example:  In 4, 876, the place value of the digit 8 is the hundreds

  1. standard form – a way to write a number showing only its digits

Example:  9,763 

  1. expanded form – a number written as the sum of the values of its digits

Example:  3,458 = 3,000 + 400 + 50 + 8 

  1. word form – a number written in words

Example:  3,458 = three thousand, four hundred fifty-eight



Test 4– Comparing and Ordering – Vocabulary Words

  1. period – a group of three digits in a number, separated by a comma 
  1. compare – to decide if one number is greater than or less than another number

Example:  54 > 30 (54 is greater than 30) and 13 < 28 (13 is less than 28)

  1. order – to arrange numbers from least to greatest or from greatest to least 
  1. equation – a number sentence that uses = (is equal to)

Example:  20 + 9 = 29 or 30 +12 = 44 -2

  1. place value – the value given to the place a digit has in a number

            Example:  In 6,871, the place value of the digit 6 is the thousands



Test 5– Rounding – Vocabulary Words

  1. rounding – to replace a number with a number that tells about how much or how many to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, and so on

Example:  72 rounded to the nearest 10 is 70 

  1. estimating - to give an approximate number or answer 
  1. difference – the answer when subtracting two numbers 
  1. equation – a number sentence that uses = (is equal to)

Example:  52 + 9 = 61 or 30 +10 = 44 -2

  1. order – to arrange numbers from least to greatest or from greatest to least



Test 6– Data – Vocabulary Words

  1. bar graph – a graph using bars to show data 
  1. pictograph – a graph using pictures or symbols to show data 
  1. key –explanation of what each symbol represents in a pictograph 
  1. line plot – a way to organize data on a line
  2. scale – the numbers that show the units used on a graph



Test 7– Introduction to Multiplication – Vocabulary Words

  1. multiplication – an operation that gives the total number when you put together equal groups 
  1. factors –numbers that are multiplied together to give a product

Example: 7 x 3 =21 the 7 and 3 are the factors 

  1. product – the answer to a multiplication problem

Example:  4 x 3 = 12 the 12 is the product 

  1. arrays – a way of displaying objects in rows and columns 
  1. Commutative (Order) Property of Multiplication – numbers can be multiplied in any order and the product will be the same



Test 8– Multiplication Facts:  Use Patterns– Vocabulary Words

  1. Identify (One) Property of Multiplication – the product of any number and 1 is that number 
  1. product – the answer to a multiplication problem

Example:  4 x 6 = 24 the 24 is the product 

  1. multiples – the product of the number an any other whole number

Example:  0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 are multiples of 4 

  1. Zero Property of Multiplication – the product of any number and zero is zero 
  1. array - a way of displaying objects in rows and columns



Test 9– Multiplication Facts:  Use Known Facts– Vocabulary Words

  1. factor – numbers that are multiplied together to give a product

Example: 8 x 3 =24 the 8 and 3 are the factors

  1. array – a way of displaying objects in rows and columns
  1. multiply – when you put together equal groups to get the total number
  1. Commutative (Order) Property of Multiplication – numbers can be multiplied in any order and the product will be the same
  1. Zero Property of Multiplication - the product of any number and zero is zero



Test 10 – Meanings of Multiplication– Vocabulary Words

  1. division –an operation that tells how many equal groups there are or how many are in each group 
  1. Commutative (Order) Property of Multiplication – numbers can be multiplied in any order and the product will be the same 
  1. product – the answer to a multiplication problem

Example:  5 x 7 = 35 the 35 is the product 

  1. quotient – the answer in a division problem 
  1. Identity (One) Property of Multiplication - the product of any number and 1 is that number



 Test 11 – Geometry– Vocabulary Words

  1. line segment – a part of a line that has two endpoints 
  1. right angle – an angle that forms a square corner 
  1. vertex – the end point of two rays that form an angle 
  1. scalene triangle –a triangle with no sides the same length 
  1. rhombus – a quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel and all sides the same length



Test 12 – Intro to Fractions– Vocabulary Words

  1. mixed number – a number with a whole number part and a fraction 
  1. denominator – the number below the fraction bar in a fraction, the total number of equal parts in all 
  1. fraction – a symbol, such as , , or , used to name a part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line 
  1. unit fraction – a fraction of a numerator of 1
  1. numerator – the number above the fraction bar in a fraction



Test 14 – Liquid, Volume, and Mass – Vocabulary Words 

  1. mass- a measure of the amount of matter in an object 
  1. capacity - the volume of a container measured in liquid units 
  1. weight – a measure of how heavy an object is 
  1. pan balance – a tool used to measure the mass of objects
  1. measuring cup – a tool used to measure the volume of liquid



Test 16 – Telling Time – Vocabulary Words

  1. hour – a unit of time equal to 60 minutes 
  1. elapsed time – the total amount of time that passes from the starting time to the ending time 
  1. quarter hour – a unit of time equal to 15 minutes 
  1. minute – a unit of time equal to 60 seconds 
  1. half hour – a unit of time equal to 30 minutes



 Test 18– Perimeter – Vocabulary Words

  1. perimeter – the distance around a figure 
  1. mile – a measure of longer distances; it is too long to use a ruler or a yardstick to measure it 
  1. pentagon – a five-sided figure 
  1. scalene – a triangle with no equal sides 
  2. ruler – a tool used to measure shorter distances like the length of your math textbook


Test 19 – Area – Vocabulary Words 

  1. square unit – a square with sides that are each 1 unit long 
  1. area – the number of square units needed to cover a region 
  1. perimeter – the distance around a figure 
  1. meter – a customary unit of length 
  1. line segment – part of a line with two endpoints
















































