Welcome to Mrs. Kocher's Kindergarten

News & Announcements


What's Happening in Mrs. Kocher's Kindergarten Class



May 30-June 5, 2019



 Monday - 4- art

Tuesday - Day 1- Music

Wednesday - 2- Computers

Thursday- Day 2- Computers, Return all library books !

Friday - Race for Brillance




June Birthday

Kanan Scott






WIN rotations have begun. 

* Read alouds 

* Dramtatic Play 

* Phonics skills, rhyming, letter and sound recognition, letter formation, sensory words,  Blending onset and rime, high frequency words are, now, what and you.

*Guided reading - reading an on level book, it will come home in your child's reading folder.

Recognizing our names and differentiating between capital and lower case letters. Writing our names with best handwriting. Listening to rhyming words and nursery rhymes. Book handling skills.

 We will focus on letter  L,l, W,w. Recognize it in print and the sounds it makes.  Practice writing these letters, capital and lowercase. Discuss naming letters and sounds they make.  Listen for beginning sounds and # of words in oral sentences.  Blend phonemes and listen for the final sound. Target skill - sequence of events.

Review sight words : off, our, day, take, too, show

All words cards may be kept at home.  Please review with your child over the summer to prevent the loss of all these words before entering 1 st grade.

Essential question -  What do children learn in kindergarten?

Practice knowing birthday. 

Practice activities, and stories read are on thinkcentral website.  


Toic 11

I will learn to break the numbers 11 to 10 into parts made up of ten ones and some further ones.  I will also write number sentences to show how I broke the numbers into parts.  






Songs, activities and practice are on pearsonsuccessnet.com 


Below you will see the rules listed for our classroom and entire school.  Being B.R.A.V.E. will help you be successful and work toward beina shining student of the month in my class.







Behavior/Good Listening Skills

Eyes watching

Ears listening

Voices quiet

Body still




B.- be safe

     R. - respectful

   A. - attentive

            V. - very responsible

     E. - exceptional






















News & Announcements
