Mrs. Marquardt's English Website

Classroom Topics


We are 6 chapters into our first class novel, Flight #116 is Down!  The characters are interesting and the events of the catastrophe have started great class discussions.  Students are learning a lot of new vocabulary as well as learning during reading activities to help them comprehend better.


Ask your son or daughter which character's situation can they relate to the most.  Encourage them to expand on why they feel he/she has a connection with that character.


Assignment Due:  All students are reading their 1st or 2nd independent book at this time.  The due date is Friday, October 14th.  The next independent book is due November 2nd.




We will be incredibly busy the first month of the school year!  We have learned rules and procedures and are currently learning about the historical 9/11 terrorist attack and will take part in the CMMS Spirit of Unity Day on Monday September 16th. We will complete assessments to help set goals,and start our first class novel, Flight #116 is Down.


Ask your son or daughter about the cause and effects of September 11th.  Share your experience and memories with them.
