Welcome to 3rd grade English/Language Arts!

Spelling, Vocabulary, Comprehension Skills & Strategies, and Writing


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**Note: Other days have practice videos/activities for vocabulary, comprehension, and LA...feel free to explore!



Unit 4 Week 4

America's Swimmer: Gertrude Ederele

Comprehension Skill- Fact and opinion

Reviewing skill- Generalization


  1. Celebrate- to do something special in honor of a special person or day.
  2. Continued- kept up, kept on going.
  3. Current- flow or stream of water.
  4. Drowning-died or caused to die underwater or other liquid because of lack of air to breathe.
  5. Medals- pieces of metal like coins, that are given as prizes or rewards.
  6. Stroke- single complete movements, made over and over again.
  7. Stirred- mix something by moving around with a spoon or stick.

Spelling- er, -or, -ess, -ist,

  1. Dentist
  2. Editor
  3. Artist
  4. Hostess
  5. Actress
  6. Swimmer
  7. Seller
  8. Tutor
  9. Tourist
  10. Organist
  11. Lioness
  12. Shipper
  13. Chemist
  14. Investor
  15. Conductor
  16. Announcer
  17. Pharmacist
  18. Journalist
  19. Commuter
  20. Pianist

News & Announcements
