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Diesel Pick-Up Pulling Club!

For the 2011-2012 Mr. Moyer (Diesel) and Mr. Kercher (Auto) Will host the Diesel Pick-Up Pulling club (D.P.P.C). To be an eligible participant in this club the students must be a student in the Automotive Mechanical Cluster Shops. There are several things that will make a student become uninvited to participate in the club.

  • Students may not have a failing grade in any class. Student will be suspended from club and diverted to home work club until a passing grade is in the grade book.
  • Three ISS days Or One OSS day will result in 30 day suspension from club.

This Club has a lot of work in front of its self. The club plans to compete at the Buck Motor-sports Park in Lancaster PA. The first competition is in May of 2012. The Buck requires all street legal and mod, street legal be inspected. We would like to thank DCTS For providing The D.P.P.C. with insurance coverage for our said to be pulling truck. 

The following are some of the tasks that we must accomplish ASAP.

  1. We Need a 4x4 Truck (engine or no engine.) ( Preferably A Dodge Ram 2500 ) We have a 24V Cummins ISB.

      Truck must have stock model engine in it. Years 99.5-2002 unless it has an engine. 

  1. Fund Raise and obtain sponsors.
Fund Raising will start as soon as school returns.
 Goal $5,000                 DCTS DPPC Balance ($1,500)