Mrs. Newill's Fourth Grade Class

Language Arts

Hello Parents and Students


Welcome to Mrs. Newill's Language Arts web page.  Please take advantage of our new Reading Street Series link found under the language arts tab.  Each family was provided a username and password.  By using this link, you will be able to access the different stories we read, concept videos we watch and vocabulary games and review activities.  Enjoy!!

Click the book below to directly connect with the Reading Street Log-In



Spelling is a skill practiced multiple times at home and during the school day.  Students work very hard to achieve excellence while spelling.  Please use the link below to practice spelling lists at home.  There are a variety of games and practice tests to help prepare your child for their weekly test!

Click the spelling picture below to connect to the spelling site.


In an effort to promote proper spelling, my class participates in a spelling challenge partnered with the American Lung Association.  With this partnership, students are challenged to spell up to 100 words correctly.  Before the "test" students ask friends and families to sponsor them for each word spelled correctly.  Friends and family can offer a penny per word, $1.00 per word or just a flat donation for working so hard on this challenge.  Students are tested after a few weeks of "training".  I grade their papers and tell students their score out of the 100 words.  Students then collect from their sponsors.  After I collect all the donations, the American Lung Association comes to our classroom, does a presentation for the class and passes out rewards!  Watch a video from last year.  We raised over $1,000!!

American Lung Association from E Newill on Vimeo.



