DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a standardized test to measure a student’s early literacy skills. The test is given individually three times during the year. These are short, one minute tests that monitor your child’s reading skills.
DIBELS Next includes:
- First Sound Fluency ~ measures how well your child can identify initial sounds in words.
- Letter Naming Fluency ~ measures how many letters your child can identify in one minute.
- Phoneme Segmentation Fluency ~ measures how well your child can say the individual sounds in a given word.
- Nonsense Word Fluency ~ measures how well your child can read nonsense words that follow the phonemic pattern of actual words.
- Oral Reading Fluency ~ measures how many words your child can read in a minute. Students are given a paragraph to read.
- Retell (for students in Grade 2-5) ~ measures the comprehension the student has after fluency and accuracy have been measured.