Title I Reading Website -

Mrs. Kukucka

4 Sight Assessment

4 Sight Assessments


These are given 4 times a year. These assessments are highly correlated with the PSSA scores. Teachers use this information to form their RTI groups and to meet every student's needs. 


The 4Sight Benchmarks are quarterly formative assessments for grades 3 to 8. These assessments were created specifically to mirror the content and look of the PSSA. They are intended to provide a quick estimate of how students would perform on the PSSA if the state test were administered on the same day. The Success For All Foundation (SFAF), in collaboration with Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE), is the developer of these assessments.


4Sight Benchmark Assessments are one hour in length and come with 5 tests to be administered across the school year. Data reports from the 4Sight assessments describe how students could be expected to perform on the PSSA if the PSSA were administered on the same day as the 4Sight test. Data reports also provide diagnostic information on individual student performance in relation to state standards and skills.


4Sight Benchmarks were designed to be low-stakes, informative assessments for teachers and school leaders. They come with scoring rubrics to help teachers determine each child's strengths and weaknesses. Data may also be sorted and viewed by each of the AYP subgroups as well as viewed by homeroom teacher, reading group, and individual student.


**Information taken from www.psea.org                                             
