Mrs. Albers'
Sixth Grade Science Site
Thank you for visiting my website. Please visit often to get the latest news and information on what is happening! You can find a variety of topics regarding our classroom in the drop-down menu at the top of this page. If you have any questions about our activities, assignments or student progress please don't hesitate to contact me at Please be sure to check your child's academic progress in Skyward. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year!
Generally speaking, 6th grade science content focuses on "Earth Science"; there'll be three main topics explored and discussed this year (through FOSS kits and additional texts):
* Weather and Water
* Earth History
* Planetary Science
Students may access our science textbooks, vocabulary, science videos/tutorials and much, much more by using the following link:
Students' usernames are "first name.last"; passwords are first initial, followed by last name (no spaces). If student's first initial and last name doesn't total 8 or more characters, students' entire first and last name was used as the password.
For example: Username:
Password: jennifersmith (because "jsmith" is too short)
Additional Fairview News...
2018 Pediatric Cancer T-Shirt Fundraiser.pdf
2018 Fight for a Cure Shirts.pdf
Field Trip Permission Slip to HS Play 2018-19.pdf