Mrs. Albers'

Sixth Grade Science Site

Odyssey of the Mind Club

Image result for Odyssey of the Mind


Dear Fairview Families,


For the past several years, I have coordinated Fairview's "Odyssey of the Mind" After-School Club.  We hope to continue this exciting opportunity for all our students for years to come!  This club would not be a continued success without family support.  If you believe your child would be interested in participating in the this year-long club (or he/she wishes to continue participating from previous years), please be sure to look for informational flyers in your child's backpack and on my site this fall.  Typically, particpation forms are distributed by mid October and the club will begin by November.  For additional information, please check out the following links.  You may also find additional information on Mr. Krokos' teacher page (he is one of the OM coaches)!


The OM Club is run as though students are preparing for competition (without the stress of competing at regionals in March); students will work in teams to solve one of the five problems released by the Odyssey of the Mind international organization.  We typically meet every Thursday after school (3:30 - 4:30 PM) until May; students will perform their solutions on a date to be later determined (typically 2-3 weeks before their last day of school).


Any student(s) wishing to form a competitive team and compete at regionals in March MUST have parents/guardians as coaches; they may meet when our club teams meet at school, but will most likely need to arrange times to meet outside of school.

