Mr. Carpenters 5th Grade Class Website

Data Analysis and Probability

(Winny the data anaylsis and probability loving Whale)

This page contains details on resources for students to practice Data Analysis and Propability skills. Below you will find a list of websites, which can be used to provide practice or review Data Analysis and Propability. There are also two subpages, which show a list of children’s literature that relate to the topic, as well as vocabulary. These resources can be used at home to give extra practice on the subject. HAVE FUN EXPLORING!



1. Bar Graph

Type: Graphs.

Description: This website enables the visitor to create a Bar Graph using any information they so wish. The website is easy to use, with clear directions and a “help” tab to guide the student. The visitor can manipulate the bars themselves, making them bigger or smaller, to make them visually appealing. A review of what a bar graph is is provided for the student. After making a bar graph, students can come up with their own questions to ask other people, about their bar graph. Parents can quickly create a bar graph, and come up with questions to ask their children.





2. Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Type: Graphs.

Description: This website allows the visitor to enter information to create a stem-and-leaf plot graph. After data has been entered, the computer automatically calculates the mean, median, and mode of the created graph. Within this website is a summary of what a Stem-and-Leaf plot is, and also how to compute mean, median, and mode. This website can be used as practice for students to create a stem-and-leaf plot quickly, and accurately.





3. Coin Toss

Type: Propability. 

Description: The purpose of this website is for students to solve the probability that a coin will land on heads, after a certain amount of coin tosses. The website asks for the visitor to put in how many coin tosses they would like to simulate. Then the user fills in how many number of heads they think will appear. The computer then calculates what the situation would be if these coins were tossed. The students should solve what the probability is before the computer completes its calculations. This website provides students with practice in determining probability.





4. Adjustable Spinner

Type: Propability.

Description: This website displays a spinner that can be manipulated by the visitor. The spinner is made up of four colors; blue, pink, orange, and gray. The students can decide how big they want each piece; depending on how big each individual piece is, the probability on landing on a specific color is either increased or decreased. This website can be used by students to explore how probability is used to determine chances.





5. Box Model

Type: Propability, Graphs. 

Description: This website displays many colored boxes that can be chosen to be drawn a specific amount of times. Depending on how many draws the student chooses, a bar graph is shown at the bottom of the website, displaying the chances that a specific color will be chosen. This website enables the visitor to practice determining probability by solving how much of one color will be drawn, before they in act the actual drawling. Students can easily check their work by referring to the bar graph at the bottom of the page.

