Mr. Carpenters 5th Grade Class Website

Teacher Page


 Hello parents and students! I decided to create this Teacher Page so you could learn a little bit more about me. Below you will find some information on my background.


Education Background: I received my Associates Degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education at Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) in the summer of 2010. I then went on to receive my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education at Millersville University (MU) in the spring of 2012. I hope to go for my Master’s Degree some day.


Why I like Math: I did not always like math. In elementary school through high school, I had always struggled in math. I never could get a grasp of the concepts, nor did I have teachers who bought the subject to life for me. During my days in primary school, math was taught by drilling facts into the student’s heads (metaphorically). I learned to dislike the subject all together; I despised doing math everyday. It wasn’t until I went to community college, did I begin to enjoy math. I had a teacher who presented the subject in a fun way. Ever since I was hooked! It was having one teacher who was excited about the subject that she taught, that made me fall in love with math. I hope to make my students fall in love with math as well.


Contact Information:


I can also be reached by submitting messages to the drop box on this website. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education, feel free to email me any time. I check my email daily. 
